Pedro Paulo Orraca Romano
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Cited by
Análisis por cohortes de la participación laboral en México (1987-2009)
R Duval-Hernández, P Orraca-Romano
El Trimestre Económico 78 (310), 343-375, 2011
El trabajo infantil en México y sus causas
P Orraca
Problemas del Desarrollo 45 (178), 113-137, 2014
Immigrants and cross-border workers in the US-Mexico border region
PP Orraca Romano
Frontera Norte 27 (53), 5-34, 2015
Crime exposure and educational outcomes in Mexico
PP Orraca-Romano
Ensayos. Revista de Economía 37 (2), 177-212, 2018
Estudiantes de educación superior transfronterizos: Residir en México y estudiar en Estados Unidos
D Rocha Romero, PP Orraca Romano
Frontera Norte 30 (59), 103-128, 2018
Cross-border school enrolment: Associated factors in the US–Mexico borderlands
P Orraca, D Rocha, E Vargas
The Social Science Journal 54 (4), 389-402, 2017
Cross-border earnings of Mexican workers across the US–Mexico border
PP Orraca-Romano
Journal of Borderlands Studies 34 (3), 451-469, 2019
Risk of death and aggressions encountered while illegally crossing the US-Mexico Border
P Orraca, F Corona
Migraciones Internacionales 7 (3), 9-41, 2014
The gender wage gap and occupational segregation in the Mexican labour market
P Orraca, FJ Cabrera, G Iriarte
EconoQuantum 13 (1), 51-72, 2016
A dynamic factor model for the Mexican economy: Are common trends useful when predicting economic activity?
F Corona, G González-Farías, P Orraca
Latin American Economic Review 26 (1), 7, 2017
La expansión de la microempresa informal: ¿cuestión de desempeño o de empeño?
JG Aguilar Barceló, PP Orraca Romano
Contaduría y Administración 66 (3), 269, 2021
What explains the allocation of aid and private investment for electrification?
A Pueyo, P Orraca, R Godfrey-Wood
IDS Evidence Report 123, 2015
Salarios y riesgos laborales de los inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos
D Rocha Romero, R Medina Sánchez, PP Orraca Romano
Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos 37 (1), 9-44, 2022
Drug‐related violence and the decline in the number of Mexican cross‐border workers
PP Orraca‐Romano, ED Vargas‐Valle
Review of Development Economics 24 (2), 485-502, 2020
Does access to free health insurance crowd-out private transfers? Evidence from Mexico’s Seguro Popular
PP Orraca-Romano
Latin American Economic Review 24, 1-34, 2015
Family Separation and Remigration Intentions to the USA among Mexican Deportees
ED Vargas Valle, ER Hamilton, PP Orraca Romano
International Migration 60 (3), 139-153, 2022
Why are the wages of the Mexican immigrants and their descendants so low in the United States?
P Orraca, E Garcia
Estudios Económicos 31 (2), 305-337, 2016
Análisis del ingreso laboral de los jóvenes estadounidenses en México
L Meza González, PP Orraca Romano
Migraciones Internacionales 13 (13), 1-28, 2022
International migration and universal healthcare access: evidence from Mexico’s ‘Seguro Popular’
AI López García, PP Orraca-Romano
Oxford Development Studies 47 (2), 171-187, 2019
Beyond the local market: Mexican cross-border entrepreneurs in the United States
P Orraca, M Ramirez-Urquidy, N Ramirez
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 1750023, 2017
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