Angel Rodriguez Santana
Angel Rodriguez Santana
Profesor del Departamento de Física ULPGC
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The Canary Eddy Corridor: A major pathway for long-lived eddies in the subtropical North Atlantic
P Sangrà, A Pascual, Á Rodríguez-Santana, F Machín, E Mason, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 56 (12), 2100-2114, 2009
The Bransfield current system
P Sangrà, C Gordo, M Hernandez-Arencibia, A Marrero-Díaz, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 58 (4), 390-402, 2011
Life history of an anticyclonic eddy
P Sangra, JL Pelegrí, A Hernández‐Guerra, I Arregui, JM Martín, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C3), 2005
The submarine volcano eruption at the island of El Hierro: physical-chemical perturbation and biological response
E Fraile-Nuez, M González-Dávila, JM Santana-Casiano, J Arístegui, ...
Scientific Reports 2 (1), 486, 2012
Hydrographic cruises off northwest Africa: the Canary Current and the Cape Ghir region
JL Pelegrí, A Marrero-Díaz, A Ratsimandresy, A Antoranz, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 54 (1-4), 39-63, 2005
On the nature of oceanic eddies shed by the Island of Gran Canaria
P Sangrà, M Auladell, A Marrero-Díaz, JL Pelegrí, E Fraile-Nuez, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 54 (5), 687-709, 2007
Temporal variability of mass transport in the Canary Current
A Hernández-Guerra, F Machın, A Antoranz, J Cisneros-Aguirre, C Gordo, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (17), 3415-3426, 2002
Tsunami deposits related to flank collapse in oceanic volcanoes: The Agaete Valley evidence, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
FJ Pérez-Torrado, R Paris, MC Cabrera, JL Schneider, P Wassmer, ...
Marine Geology 227 (1-2), 135-149, 2006
Microstructure turbulence and diffusivity parameterization in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans during the Malaspina 2010 expedition
B Fernández-Castro, B Mouriño-Carballido, VM Benítez-Barrios, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 94, 15-30, 2014
The Southern Caribbean upwelling system off Colombia: Water masses and mixing processes
M Correa-Ramirez, Á Rodriguez-Santana, C Ricaurte-Villota, J Paramo
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 155, 103145, 2020
Distribution of water masses and diapycnal mixing in the Cape Verde Frontal Zone
A Martínez‐Marrero, A Rodríguez‐Santana, A Hernández‐Guerra, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (7), 2008
Anatomy of a subtropical intrathermocline eddy
B Barceló-Llull, P Sangrà, E Pallàs-Sanz, ED Barton, SN Estrada-Allis, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 124, 126-139, 2017
Meridional and zonal changes in water properties along the continental slope off central and northern Chile
PJ Llanillo, JL Pelegrí, CM Duarte, M Emelianov, M Gasser, J Gourrion, ...
Ciencias Marinas 38 (1B), 307-332, 2012
Diapycnal mixing in Gulf Stream meanders
A Rodríguez‐Santana, JL Pelegrí, P Sangrà, A Marrero‐Díaz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C11), 25891-25912, 1999
Drivers of plankton distribution across mesoscale eddies at submesoscale range
N Hernández-Hernández, J Arístegui, MF Montero, E Velasco-Senovilla, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 667, 2020
Coupling between upper ocean layer variability and size-fractionated phytoplankton in a non-nutrient-limited environment
P Sangrà, C García-Muñoz, CM García, Á Marrero-Díaz, C Sobrino, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 499, 35-46, 2014
Turbulence as a driver for vertical plankton distribution in the subsurface upper ocean
D Macías, Á Rodríguez-Santana, E Ramírez-Romero, M Bruno, JL Pelegrí, ...
Sci. Mar 77, 541-549, 2013
The Agaete tsunami deposits (Gran Canaria): evidence of tsunamis related to flank collapses in the Canary Islands
FJP Torrado, R Paris, M del Carmen Cabrera, JL Schneider, P Wassmer, ...
Marine Geology 227, 137-149, 2006
Decadal-scale variability of sardine and anchovy simulated with an end-to-end coupled model of the Canary Current ecosystem
JC Sánchez-Garrido, FE Werner, J Fiechter, KA Rose, EN Curchitser, ...
Progress in Oceanography 171, 212-230, 2019
Tracking the Mediterranean outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz
M Gasser, JL Pelegrí, M Emelianov, M Bruno, E Gràcia, M Pastor, ...
Progress in Oceanography 157, 47-71, 2017
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