Julio Ricardo Proaño Orellana (PhD) (ORCID: 0000-0001-6378-6854)
Julio Ricardo Proaño Orellana (PhD) (ORCID: 0000-0001-6378-6854)
Lecturer at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Ecuador - Computing Engineering
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Cited by
FPGA-aware Scheduling Strategies at Hypervisor Level in Cloud Environments
CC Julio Proaño, Blanca Caminero
Scientific Programming, 2016
An Open-Source Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Resources in Private Clouds
J Proaño, C Carmen, C Blanca
4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER …, 2014
Psycho web: a machine learning platform for the diagnosis and classification of mental disorders
P Morillo, H Ortega, D Chauca, J Proaño, D Vallejo-Huanga, M Cazares
International conference on applied human factors and ergonomics, 399-410, 2019
On the Provision of SaaS-Level Quality of Service within Heterogeneous Private Clouds
JP Orellana, MB Caminero, C Carrion
Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International …, 2014
Power and performance optimization in FPGA‐accelerated clouds
SK Tesfatsion, J Proaño, L Tomás, B Caminero, C Carrión, J Tordsson
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 30 (18), e4526, 2018
Empirical modeling and simulation of an heterogeneous Cloud computing environment
J Proano, C Carrión, B Caminero
Parallel Computing 83, 118-134, 2019
Fault-tolerant model based on fuzzy control for mobile devices
D Vallejo-Huanga, J Proaño, P Morillo, H Ortega
International Conference on Technology Trends, 488-499, 2018
Towards a Green, QoS-Enabled Heterogeneous Cloud Infrastructure
CC Julio Proaño, Blanca Caminero
IPDPSW, 7-16, 2016
Study of Technological Solutions in the Analysis of Behavioral Factors for Sustainability Strategies
M Cazares, RO Andrade, J Proaño, I Ortiz
Sustainable Intelligent Systems, 175-188, 2021
Design and evaluation of the PID, SMC and MPC controllers by state estimation by kalman filter in the TRMS system
B Zapata, J Heredia, J Proaño
International Conference on Innovation and Research, 531-544, 2020
Smart Technologies, Systems and Applications: 3rd International Conference, SmartTech-IC 2022, Cuenca, Ecuador, November 16–18, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
FR Narváez, F Urgilés, TF Bastos-Filho, JP Salgado-Guerrero
Springer Nature, 2023
Distributed Architecture for Large Scale Simulation to Estimate CO Vehicles Emissions
JP Orellana, I Pineda, R Armas
2022 IEEE Sixth Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM), 1-6, 2022
Exploring the Effectiveness of Advanced Chatbots in Educational Settings: A Mixed-Methods Study in Statistics
G Navas, G Navas-Reascos, GE Navas-Reascos, J Proaño-Orellana
Applied Sciences 14 (19), 8984, 2024
Poverty Population and Its Educational Accessibility: An Evaluation using Geospatial Database in Ecuador.
G Navas, A Loyaga, J Barahona, JP Orellana
GISTAM, 147-154, 2022
Design and Evaluation of a Distributed Architecture for GeoSparkSim
V Alba Valencia, J Proaño Orellana
Communication, Smart Technologies and Innovation for Society: Proceedings of …, 2022
Latent Semantic Index: A Microservices Architecture
J Proaño, A Reinoso, J Juma
Smart Technologies, Systems and Applications: First International Conference …, 2020
Proposals for efficient management of fpgas within cloud computing environments
JP Orellana
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2017
Estudio técnico sobre la implementación de un sistema de monitoreo centralizado para la red de fibra óptica de ETAPA
JR Proaño Orellana, JX Serrano Guerrero
Capítulo V-Diseño de una arquitectura heterogénea para la gestión eficiente de recursos FPGA en un cloud privado
JP Orellana, MB Caminero, C Carrión
Fault-tolerant model based on fuzzy control for mobile devices
D Vallejo-Huanga123, J Proano, P Morillo, H Ortega
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Articles 1–20