Matthias Grossglauser
Matthias Grossglauser
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Mobility Increases the Capacity of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
M Grossglauser, D Tse
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) 10 (4), 2002
Mobility increases the capacity of ad-hoc wireless networks
M Grossglauser, D Tse
INFOCOM 2001. Twentieth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2001
Age matters: efficient route discovery in mobile ad hoc networks using encounter ages
H Dubois-Ferriere, M Grossglauser, M Vetterli
Proceedings of the 4th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2003
CRAWDAD data set epfl/mobility (v. 2009-02-24)
M Piorkowski, N Sarafijanovic-Djukic, M Grossglauser
TraNS: realistic joint traffic and network simulator for VANETs
M Piorkowski, M Raya, AL Lugo, P Papadimitratos, M Grossglauser, ...
ACM SIGMOBILE mobile computing and communications review 12 (1), 31-33, 2008
On the relevance of long-range dependence in network traffic
M Grossglauser, JC Bolot
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 7 (5), 629-640, 1999
Mobiroute: Routing towards a mobile sink for improving lifetime in sensor networks
J Luo, J Panchard, M Piórkowski, M Grossglauser, JP Hubaux
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: Second IEEE International …, 2006
A parsimonious model of mobile partitioned networks with clustering
M Piorkowski, N Sarafijanovic-Djukic, M Grossglauser
2009 First International Communication Systems and Networks and Workshops, 1-10, 2009
Trajectory sampling for direct traffic observation
NG Duffield, M Grossglauser
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 9 (3), 280-292, 2001
Launch hard or go home! Predicting the success of Kickstarter campaigns
V Etter, M Grossglauser, P Thiran
Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Online social networks, 177-182, 2013
Locating nodes with EASE: Last encounter routing in ad hoc networks through mobility diffusion
M Grossglauser, M Vetterli
INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-Second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2003
Trajectory sampling for direct traffic observation
NG Duffield, M Grossglauser
Proceedings of the conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures …, 2000
RCBR: A simple and efficient service for multiple time-scale traffic
M Grossglauser, S Keshav, D Tse
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 25 (4), 219-230, 1995
On the relevance of long-range dependence in network traffic
M Grossglauser, JC Bolot
Conference proceedings on Applications, technologies, architectures, and …, 1996
Even one-dimensional mobility increases ad hoc wireless capacity
SN Diggavi, M Grossglauser, DNC Tse
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory,, 352, 2002
A framework for robust measurement-based admission control
M Grossglauser, DNC Tse
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 7 (3), 293-309, 1999
On the privacy of anonymized networks
P Pedarsani, M Grossglauser
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2011
RCBR: A simple and efficient service for multiple time-scale traffic
M Grossglauser, S Keshav, DNC Tse
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 5 (6), 741-755, 1997
On the performance of percolation graph matching
L Yartseva, M Grossglauser
Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Online social networks, 119-130, 2013
Fast and accurate inference of Plackett–Luce models
L Maystre, M Grossglauser
Advances in neural information processing systems 28, 2015
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Articles 1–20