Magnus Lindelow
Magnus Lindelow
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Cited by
Analyzing health equity using household survey data: a guide to techniques and their implementation
A Wagstaff, O O'Donnell, E Van Doorslaer, M Lindelow
World Bank Publications, 2007
Extending health insurance to the rural population: an impact evaluation of China's new cooperative medical scheme
A Wagstaff, M Lindelow, G Jun, X Ling, Q Juncheng
Journal of health economics 28 (1), 1-19, 2009
Can insurance increase financial risk?: The curious case of health insurance in China
A Wagstaff, M Lindelow
Journal of health economics 27 (4), 990-1005, 2008
Health service delivery in China: a literature review
K Eggleston, L Ling, M Qingyue, M Lindelow, A Wagstaff
Health economics 17 (2), 149-165, 2008
Human resources for health in southeast Asia: shortages, distributional challenges, and international trade in health services
C Kanchanachitra, M Lindelow, T Johnston, P Hanvoravongchai, ...
The Lancet 377 (9767), 769-781, 2011
China's health system and its reform: a review of recent studies
A Wagstaff, W Yip, M Lindelow, WC Hsiao
Health economics 18 (S2), S7-S23, 2009
Sometimes more equal than others: how health inequalities depend on the choice of welfare indicator
M Lindelow
Health economics 15 (3), 263-279, 2006
The performance of health workers in Ethiopia: results from qualitative research
M Lindelow, P Serneels
Social science & medicine 62 (9), 2225-2235, 2006
Twenty years of health system reform in Brazil: an assessment of the Sistema Único de Saúde
M Gragnolati, M Lindelöw, M Lindelow, B Couttolenc
World Bank Publications, 2013
Reforming China's rural health system
A Wagstaff
World Bank Publications, 2009
Corruption in public service delivery: An experimental analysis
A Barr, M Lindelow, P Serneels
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 72 (1), 225-239, 2009
Are health shocks different? Evidence from a multishock survey in Laos
A Wagstaff, M Lindelow
Health economics 23 (6), 706-718, 2014
Health shocks in China: are the poor and uninsured less protected?
M Lindelow, A Wagstaff
World Bank policy research working paper, 2005
For public service or money: understanding geographical imbalances in the health workforce
P Serneels, M Lindelow, JG Montalvo, A Barr
Health Policy and Planning 22 (3), 128-138, 2007
Analyzing health equity using household survey data: a guide to techniques and their implementation
O O'Donnel, E Van Doorslaer, A Wagstaff, M Lindelow
World Bank, 2008
Thailand’s universal coverage scheme: achievements and challenges
TG Evans, A Chowdhury, D Evans, A Fidler, M Lindelow, A Mills, ...
An independent assessment of the first 10, 2001-2010, 2012
The utilisation of curative healthcare in Mozambique: does income matter?
M Lindelow
Journal of African Economies 14 (3), 435-482, 2005
Achieving universal health coverage through voluntary insurance: what can we learn from the experience of Lao PDR?
S Alkenbrack, B Jacobs, M Lindelow
BMC health services research 13, 1-14, 2013
Health care demand in rural Mozambique: evidence from the 1996/97 household survey
M Lindelow
The impact of community‐based health insurance on utilization and out‐of‐pocket expenditures in Lao People's Democratic Republic
S Alkenbrack, M Lindelow
Health economics 24 (4), 379-399, 2015
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