Lynne Talley
Lynne Talley
Scripps Institution of Oceanography UCSD
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Climate change 2007-the physical science basis: Working group I contribution to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC
S Solomon
Cambridge university press, 2007
Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems
SC Doney, M Ruckelshaus, J Emmett Duffy, JP Barry, F Chan, CA English, ...
Annual review of marine science 4 (1), 11-37, 2012
Descriptive physical oceanography: an introduction
LD Talley
Academic press, 2011
Observations: oceanic climate change and sea level
NL Bindoff, J Willebrand, V Artale, A Cazenave, JM Gregory, S Gulev, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2007
Abrupt climate change
RB Alley, J Marotzke, WD Nordhaus, JT Overpeck, DM Peteet, ...
science 299 (5615), 2005-2010, 2003
Observations: ocean
M Rhein, SR Rintoul, S Aoki, E Campos, D Chambers, RA Feely, S Gulev, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Hydrography of the eastern tropical Pacific: A review
PC Fiedler, LD Talley
Progress in oceanography 69 (2-4), 143-180, 2006
Closure of the global overturning circulation through the Indian, Pacific, and Southern Oceans: Schematics and transports
LD Talley
Oceanography 26 (1), 80-97, 2013
Distribution and formation of North Pacific intermediate water
LD Talley
Journal of Physical Oceanography 23 (3), 517-537, 1993
Distribution and circulation of Labrador Sea water
LD Talley, MS McCartney
Journal of Physical Oceanography 12 (11), 1189-1205, 1982
Mode waters
K Hanawa, LD Talley
International geophysics 77, 373-386, 2001
Global patterns of diapycnal mixing from measurements of the turbulent dissipation rate
AF Waterhouse, JA MacKinnon, JD Nash, MH Alford, E Kunze, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (7), 1854-1872, 2014
The subpolar mode water of the North Atlantic Ocean
MS McCartney, LD Talley
Journal of Physical Oceanography 12 (11), 1169-1188, 1982
An Okhotsk Sea water anomaly: implications for ventilation in the North Pacific
LD Talley
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 38, S171-S190, 1991
Climate change 2013: the physical science basis: summary for policymakers, a report of Working Group I of the IPCC, technical summary, a report accepted by Working Group I of …
TF Stocker
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2013
Shallow, intermediate, and deep overturning components of the global heat budget
LD Talley
Journal of Physical oceanography 33 (3), 530-560, 2003
Southern Ocean mixed‐layer depth from Argo float profiles
S Dong, J Sprintall, ST Gille, L Talley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C6), 2008
Data-based meridional overturning streamfunctions for the global ocean
LD Talley, JL Reid, PE Robbins
Journal of Climate 16 (19), 3213-3226, 2003
National Research Council, Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises
National Research Council
Environment and History 10 (1), 110-112, 2004
On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array
D Roemmich, MH Alford, H Claustre, K Johnson, B King, J Moum, P Oke, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 439, 2019
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20