Carles Bosch
Carles Bosch
Professor Doctor, Universitat de Vic-UCC
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Cited by
A Physically‐Based Model for Rendering Realistic Scratches
C Bosch, X Pueyo, S Mérillou, D Ghazanfarpour
Computer Graphics Forum 23 (3), 361-370, 2004
Fracture modeling in computer graphics
L Muguercia, C Bosch, G Patow
Computers & Graphics 45, 86-100, 2014
Example‐Based Fractured Appearance
L Glondu, L Muguercia, M Marchal, C Bosch, H Rushmeier, G Dumont, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 31 (4), 1547-1556, 2012
Image-guided weathering: A new approach applied to flow phenomena
C Bosch, PY Laffont, H Rushmeier, J Dorsey, G Drettakis
ACM Transactions on Graphics 30 (3), --, 2011
BRDFLab: A general system for designing BRDFs.
A Forés, SN Pattanaik, C Bosch, X Pueyo
CEIG, 153-160, 2009
Arsi: an aerial robot for sewer inspection
F Chataigner, P Cavestany, M Soler, C Rizzo, JP Gonzalez, C Bosch, ...
Advances in Robotics Research: From Lab to Market: ECHORD++: Robotic Science …, 2019
Urban Weathering: Interactive Rendering of Polluted Cities
I Munoz-Pandiella, C Bosch, S Merillou, N Merillou, G Patow, X Pueyo
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2018
Matcap decomposition for dynamic appearance manipulation
CJ Zubiaga, A Muñoz, L Belcour, C Bosch, P Barla
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2015, 2015
Statistical analysis of bidirectional reflectance distribution functions
CJ Zubiaga, L Belcour, C Bosch, A Muñoz, P Barla
IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 939808-939808-14, 2015
Seamless 3D Interaction of Virtual and Real Objects in Professional Virtual Studios
T Hach, P Arias, C Bosch, J Montesa, P Gasco
SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 126 (1), 43-56, 2017
A resolution independent approach for the accurate rendering of grooved surfaces
C Bosch, X Pueyo, S Mérillou, D Ghazanfarpour
Computer Graphics Forum 27 (7), 1937-1944, 2008
Automated digital color restitution of mural paintings using minimal art historian input
I Munoz-Pandiella, C Andujar, B Cayuela, X Pueyo, C Bosch
Computers & Graphics 114, 316-325, 2023
Digital Twins for Medieval Monuments: Requirements from Art Historians and Technical Challenges for Analysis and Restoration
I Munoz-Pandiella, C Bosch, M Guardia, B Cayuela, P Pogliani, G Bordi, ...
2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and …, 2022
Towards Semi-Automatic Scaling Detection on Flat Stones
I Muñoz-Pandiella, K Akoglu, C Bosch, H Rushmeier
Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 2017
Neural colorization of laser scans
MC Trinidad, C Andujar, C Bosch, A Chica, I Muñoz-Pandiella
XXX Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, CEIG 2021: Málaga, Spain …, 2021
Real-time path-based surface detail
C Bosch, G Patow
Computers & Graphics 34 (4), 430-440, 2010
Intensity-guided exposure correction for indoor LiDAR scans
M Comino Trinidad, C Andújar, C Bosch, A Chica, I Muñoz-Pandiella
XXX Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, CEIG 2021: Málaga, Spain …, 2021
Realistic image synthesis of surface scratches and grooves
C Bosch
Université de Limoges, 2007
Gain compensation across LIDAR scans
I Munoz-Pandiella, MC Trinidad, C Andújar, O Argudo, C Bosch, A Chica, ...
Computers & Graphics 106, 174-186, 2022
An annotation tool for digital restoration of wall paintings
A Barreiro Díaz, I Muñoz Pandiella, C Bosch Geli, CA Andújar Gran
GCH 2022, Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage: 28-30 …, 2022
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Articles 1–20