Ana Patricia Pérez Fortes
Ana Patricia Pérez Fortes
Associate Professor, ETSICCC (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
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3D model generated from UAV photogrammetry and semi-automated rock mass characterization
MJ Herrero, AP Pérez-Fortes, JI Escavy, JM Insua-Arévalo, R De la Horra, ...
Computers & Geosciences 163, 105121, 2022
Relevant petrological properties and their repercussions on the final use of aggregates
S Anastasio, APP Fortes, E Kuznetsova, SW Danielsen
Energy Procedia 97, 546-553, 2016
Effect of aggregate petrology on the durability of asphalt pavements
S Anastasio, APP Fortes, I Hoff
Construction and Building Materials 146, 652-657, 2017
Behaviour of crushed rock aggregates used in asphalt surface layer exposed to cold climate conditions
AP Pérez Fortes, S Anastasio, E Kuznetsova, SW Danielsen
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-10, 2016
Sustainability analysis of the m-30 madrid tunnels and madrid río after 14 years of service life
LL Abajo, AP Pérez-Fortes, MG Alberti, JC Gálvez, T Ripa
Applied Sciences 10 (20), 7368, 2020
Effect of surface roughness and chemistry on ice bonding to asphalt aggregates
AP Perez, J Wåhlin, A Klein-Paste
Cold Regions Science and Technology 120, 108-114, 2015
Application of an in-house MWD system for quarry blasting
J Navarro, P Segarra, JA Sanchidrián, R Castedo, AP Pérez Fortes, ...
Proceedings of the 12th international symposium on rock fragmentation by …, 2018
Long-term behavior of the micro-texture of aggregates used on roads subjected to extreme climate conditions and winter maintenance operations
AP Pérez-Fortes, MJ Varas-Muriel, P Castiñeiras
Wear 474, 203757, 2021
Using petrographic techniques to evaluate the induced effects of NaCl, extreme climatic conditions, and traffic load on Spanish road surfaces
AP Pérez Fortes, MJ Varas-Muriel, P Castiñeiras García
CSIC, 2017
How recent developments in smart road technologies and construction materials can contribute to the sustainability of road infrastructure
H Giudici, AP Pérez-Fortes
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 28 (4), 02522002, 2022
A recent overview of the effect of road surface properties on road safety, environment, and how to monitor them
AP Pérez-Fortes, H Giudici
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (44), 65993-66009, 2022
Petrofísica y durabilidad de las anfibolitas de Touro (A Coruña, España) para su uso en obra civil
AP Pérez-Fortes, MJ Varas, H Cano-Linares, P Castiñeiras García, ...
CSIC-Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), 2013
Aggregates Properties for Safety Road Surfaces
AP Pérez-Fortes
Advances in Engineering Research 40, 2020
Dust production in mining supression measures in quarry blasting
G Morera de la Vall González
ETSI_Energia, 2018
Crushing effects on the durability of rocky aggregates used on road surfaces subjected to winter maintenance and extreme climate conditions
AP Pérez-Fortes, MJ Varas-Muriel, M Bermejo
Construction and Building Materials 351, 128948, 2022
Innovación en contenidos virtuales vía tecnologías digitales: Modelos Geológicos 3D y Salidas de campo virtuales en asignaturas de Ciencias de la Tierra.
MJ Herrero Fernández, JA Álvarez Gómez, JI Esacvy Fernández, ...
e-prints complutense, 2021
Importancia de las clases de laboratorio en la motivación de los alumnos de la asignatura Materiales Construcción
AP Pérez-Fortes, E Reyes, A Enfedaque, JC Gálvez
Universidad de Zaragoza, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2021
Discontinuity mapping with photogrammetry and televiewer for blastability assessment
P Segarra, JA Sanchidrián, M Bernardini, S Gómez, AP Pérez-Fortes, ...
Gamificación combinada con aula invertida, aplicación en un grado de ingeniería.
R Castedo, A P Santos, M Chiquito, L M López, AP Pérez-Fortes, JE Ortiz, ...
Optimización de la producción de áridos procedentes de canteras con frentes complejos: cantera de Touro, A Coruña (España)
AP Pérez Fortes, P Castiñeiras García, MJ Varas Muriel
Sociedad Geológica de España, 2017
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Artículos 1–20