Richard Nightingale
Cited by
Cited by
The effect of out-of-school media contact on language attitudes in multilingual adolescents: A complex psycho-sociolinguistic system
R Nightingale
Universitat Jaume I, 2016
A Dominant Language Constellations Case Study on Language Use and the Affective Domain
R Nightingale
Dominant Language Constellations: A New Perspective on Multilingualism, 231-259, 2020
Conversational Style and Early Academic Language Skills in CLIL and Non-CLIL Settings: A Multilingual Sociopragmatic Perspective
R Nightingale, MP Safont-Jordà
English Language Teaching 12 (2), 37-56, 2019
Pragmatic translanguaging: Multilingual practice in adolescent online discourse
R Nightingale, MP Safont-Jordà
Investigating the Learning of Pragmatics across Ages and Contexts, 167-195, 2019
Bridging the gap between the internal and the external: the effect of sociocultural factors in adolescent learners' attitudes towards English.
R Nightingale
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012
Well I never!: formulaic language as a pragmatic resource in child entertainment media
R Nightingale
Studying second language acquisition from a qualitative perspective, 203-218, 2014
Assessing the impact of extramural media contact on the foreign-language pragmatic competence and awareness of English philology students in Spain
R Nightingale, A Pla
Learning second language pragmatics beyond traditional contexts, 315-348, 2018
Investigating pragmatic development in study abroad contexts
R Nightingale, E Alcón-Soler
Methods in Study Abroad Research, 265-289, 2023
“There Are More Diversities in Multilingualism”: Visualising Dominant Language Constellations to Raise Awareness of Multilingualism in Future Language Teachers
R Nightingale
Modern Approaches to Researching Multilingualism: Studies in Honour of …, 2024
Getting to the point: una propuesta para el desarrollo y la evaluación de las competencias del inglés escrito en el contexto universitario
R Nightingale
VI jornada nacional sobre estudios universitarios ii taller de innovación …, 2017
Use, Identity and Conflict: Three Languages in Contact in The Valencian Community
R Nightingale
Diaz, A. Fumero, M Lojendio, M. Burgess, S. Sosa, E. and Cano, A. (eds …, 2013
“This is an original postscript version of a manuscript published by Springer Cham in LoBianco, J. & Aronin, L.(Eds). Dominant Language Constellations: A New Perspective on …
R Nightingale
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Articles 1–12