Dag L Aksnes
Dag L Aksnes
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Silicate as regulating nutrient in phytoplankton competition.
JK Egge, DL Aksnes
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 83 (2), 281-289, 1992
Large mesopelagic fishes biomass and trophic efficiency in the open ocean
X Irigoien, TA Klevjer, A Røstad, U Martinez, G Boyra, JL Acuña, A Bode, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3271, 2014
A theoretical model for nutrient uptake in phytoplankton.
DL Aksnes, JK Egge
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 70 (1), 65-72, 1991
A theoretical model of aquatic visual feeding
DL Aksnes, J Giske
Ecological modelling 67 (2-4), 233-250, 1993
Efficient trawl avoidance by mesopelagic fishes causes large underestimation of their biomass
S Kaartvedt, A Staby, DL Aksnes
Marine Ecology Progress Series 456, 1-6, 2012
A revised model of visual range in fish
DL Aksnes, ACW Utne
Sarsia 82 (2), 137-147, 1997
Modelling the primary production in the North Sea using a coupled three-dimensional physical-chemical-biological ocean model
MD Skogen, E Svendsen, J Berntsen, D Aksnes, KB Ulvestad
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 41 (5), 545-565, 1995
Coastal water darkening and implications for mesopelagic regime shifts in Norwegian fjords
DL Aksnes, N Dupont, A Staby, Ø Fiksen, S Kaartvedt, J Aure
Marine Ecology Progress Series 387, 39-49, 2009
Ecological modelling in coastal waters: towards predictive physical-chemical-biological simulation models
DL Aksnes, KB Ulvestad, BM Baliño, J Berntsen, JK Egge, E Svendsen
Ophelia 41 (1), 5-36, 1995
Vertical distribution and trophic interactions of zooplankton and fish in Masfjorden, Norway
J Giske, DL Aksnes, BM Baliño, S Kaartvedt, U Lie, JT Nordeide, ...
Sarsia 75 (1), 65-81, 1990
Significance of advection for the carrying capacities of fjord populations
DL Aksnes, J Aure, S Kaartvedt, T Magnesen, J Richard
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 263-274, 1989
Circulation patterns in the North Atlantic and possible impact on population dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus
DL Aksnes, J Blindheim
Ophelia 44 (1-3), 7-28, 1996
Optical control of fish and zooplankton populations
DL Aksnes, J Nejstgaard, E Sædberg, T Sørnes
Limnology and oceanography 49 (1), 233-238, 2004
Fish or jellies—a question of visibility?
K Eiane, DL Aksnes, E BagØien, S Kaartvedt
Limnology and Oceanography 44 (5), 1352-1357, 1999
Vertical distribution and mortality of overwintering Calanus
E Bag× ien, S Kaartvedt, DL Aksnes, K Eiane
Limnology and Oceanography 46 (6), 1494-1510, 2001
Winter distribution and migration of the sound scattering layers, zooplankton and micronekton in Masfjorden, western Norway
BM Bali o, DL Aksnes
Marine Ecology-Progress Series 102, 35-35, 1993
Stage‐specific mortality of Calanus spp. under different predation regimes
K Eiane, DL Aksnes, MD Ohman, S Wood, MB Martinussen
Limnology and oceanography 47 (3), 636-645, 2002
Habitat profitability in pelagic environments.
DL Aksnes, J Giske
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 64 (3), 209-215, 1990
Occurrence of the Toxic Phytoflagellate Prymnesium parvum and Associated Fish Mortality in a Norwegian Fjord System
S Kaartvedt, TM Johnsen, DL Aksnes, U Lie, H Svendsen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48 (12), 2316-2323, 1991
A vertical life table approach to zooplankton mortality estimation
DL Aksnes, MD Ohman
Limnology and Oceanography 41 (7), 1461-1469, 1996
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Articles 1–20