José A. González
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Cited by
Structural topology optimization of the transition piece for an offshore wind turbine with jacket foundation
YS Lee, JA González, JH Lee, YI Kim, KC Park, S Han
Renewable energy 85, 1214-1225, 2016
A formulation based on localized Lagrange multipliers for BEM–FEM coupling in contact problems
JA González, KC Park, CA Felippa, R Abascal
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 197 (6-8), 623-640, 2008
FEM and BEM coupling in elastostatics using localized Lagrange multipliers
JA González, KC Park, CA Felippa
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 69 (10), 2058-2074, 2007
Partitioned vibration analysis of internal fluid‐structure interaction problems
JA González, KC Park, I Lee, CA Felippa, R Ohayon
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 92 (3), 268-300, 2012
Solving 2D transient rolling contact problems using the BEM and mathematical programming techniques
JA González, R Abascal
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 53 (4), 843-874, 2002
Inverse mass matrix via the method of localized Lagrange multipliers
JA González, R Kolman, SS Cho, CA Felippa, KC Park
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 113 (2), 277-295, 2018
An algorithm to solve coupled 2D rolling contact problems
JA González, R Abascal
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 49 (9), 1143-1167, 2000
Using the boundary element method to solve rolling contact problems
JA González, R Abascal
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 21 (4), 385-392, 1998
A coupled finite and boundary spectral element method for linear water-wave propagation problems
A Cerrato, L Rodríguez-Tembleque, JA González, MHF Aliabadi
Applied Mathematical Modelling 48, 1-20, 2017
Partitioned solution strategies for coupled BEM–FEM acoustic fluid–structure interaction problems
L Rodríguez-Tembleque, JA González, A Cerrato
Computers & Structures 152, 45-58, 2015
Linear viscoelastic boundary element formulation for steady state moving loads
JA González, R Abascal
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 28 (7), 815-823, 2004
Inverse Mass Matrix for Isogeometric Explicit Transient Analysis via the Method of Localized Lagrange Multipliers
JA González, J Kopačka, R Kolman, SS Cho, KC Park
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2019
Boundary element formulation of the Mild-Slope equation for harmonic water waves propagating over unidirectional variable bathymetries
A Cerrato, JA González, L Rodríguez-Tembleque
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 62, 22-34, 2016
A simple explicit–implicit finite element tearing and interconnecting transient analysis algorithm
JA González, KC Park
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 89 (10), 1203-1226, 2012
Efficient stress evaluation of stationary viscoelastic rolling contact problems using the boundary element method: Application to viscoelastic coatings
JA González, R Abascal
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 30 (6), 426-434, 2006
Partitioned formulation of frictional contact problems using localized Lagrange multipliers
JA González, KC Park, CA Felippa
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 22 (4), 319-333, 2006
Solving 2D rolling problems using the NORM–TANG iteration and mathematical programming
JÁ González, R Abascal
Computers & Structures 78 (1-3), 149-160, 2000
Bi-penalty stabilized technique with predictor–corrector time scheme for contact-impact problems of elastic bars
R Kolman, J Kopačka, JA González, SS Cho, KC Park
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 189, 305-324, 2021
Partitioned formulation of contact‐impact problems with stabilized contact constraints and reciprocal mass matrices
JA González, J Kopačka, R Kolman, KC Park
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122 (17), 4609-4636, 2021
Three-field partitioned analysis of fluid–structure interaction problems with a consistent interface model
JA González, KC Park
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 414, 116134, 2023
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Articles 1–20