Emily Isenstein
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Brief report: A Job-Based Social Skills Program (JOBSS) for adults with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot randomized controlled trial
M Gorenstein, I Giserman-Kiss, E Feldman, EL Isenstein, L Donnelly, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50, 4527-4534, 2020
Rapid assessment of hand reaching using virtual reality and application in cerebellar stroke
EL Isenstein, T Waz, A LoPrete, Y Hernandez, EJ Knight, A Busza, ...
Plos one 17 (9), e0275220, 2022
Social visual attentional engagement and memory in Phelan-McDermid syndrome and autism spectrum disorder: a pilot eye tracking study
SB Guillory, VZ Baskett, HE Grosman, CS McLaughlin, EL Isenstein, ...
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 13, 1-11, 2021
Reduced engagement of visual attention in children with autism spectrum disorder
CS McLaughlin, HE Grosman, SB Guillory, EL Isenstein, E Wilkinson, ...
Autism 25 (7), 2064-2073, 2021
Neural markers of auditory response and habituation in phelan-mcdermid syndrome
EL Isenstein, HE Grosman, SB Guillory, Y Zhang, S Barkley, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 815933, 2022
The immersive theater experience for Individuals with autism spectrum disorder
I Giserman-Kiss, M Gorenstein, E Feldman, M Rowe, H Grosman, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50, 1073-1080, 2020
Probing the neurophysiology of temporal sensitivity in the somatosensory system using the mismatch negativity (MMN) sensory memory paradigm
EL Isenstein, EG Freedman, AJ Xu, IA DeAndrea-Lazarus, JJ Foxe
Neuroscience 536, 47-56, 2024
Electrophysiological studies of reception of facial communication in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia
EJ Levy, EL Isenstein, J Foss-Feig, V Srihari, A Anticevic, AJ Naples, ...
Review journal of autism and developmental disorders 9 (4), 521-554, 2022
Oculomotor corollary discharge signaling is related to repetitive behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder
B Yao, M Rolfs, C McLaughlin, EL Isenstein, SB Guillory, H Grosman, ...
Journal of Vision 21 (8), 9-9, 2021
Investigating motor preparation in autism spectrum disorder with and without attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
M Migó, SB Guillory, CS McLaughlin, EL Isenstein, HE Grosman, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 52 (6), 2379-2387, 2022
Atypical and inflexible visual encoding in autism spectrum disorder
EL Isenstein, WJ Park, D Tadin
PLoS Biology 19 (6), e3001293, 2021
T185. Electrophysiological Evidence of Auditory Habituation Abnormalities in Young Adults with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome
E Isenstein, A Durkin, Y Zhang, E Feldman, N Servedio, H Harony-nicolas, ...
Biological Psychiatry 83 (9), S200, 2018
Social visual attentional engagement and memory in Phelan-McDermid syndrome and autism spectrum disorder: An eye-tracking study
S Guillory, VZ Baskett, HE Grosman, CS McLaughlin, EL Isenstein, ...
OSF, 2020
Virtual reality assessment of reaching accuracy in patients with recent cerebellar stroke
K Du, LR Benavides, EL Isenstein, D Tadin, AC Busza
BMC Digital Health 2 (1), 50, 2024
Intact Somatosensory Temporal Sensitivity in Adults on the Autism Spectrum: A High-Density Electrophysiological Mapping Study Using the Mismatch Negativity (MMN) Sensory Memory …
EL Isenstein, EG Freedman, S Molholm, JJ Foxe
bioRxiv, 2024
Reaching Accuracy Assessment in Cerebellar Stroke using Virtual Reality (S20. 010)
K Du, L Benavides, E Isenstein, D Tadin, A Busza
Neurology 100 (17_supplement_2), 2228, 2023
Corollary Discharge Signaling and Repetitive Behavior in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
B Yao, C McLaughlin, E Isenstein, S Guillory, H Grosman, M Rolfs, ...
Biological Psychiatry 87 (9), S117, 2020
Examining Gamma Oscillatory Response as a Marker of Disrupted Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Phelan-Mcdermid Syndrome
HE Grosman, S Guillory, C McLaughlin, B Britvan, E Isenstein, K Keller, ...
INSAR 2020 Virtual Meeting, 2020
T63. Parsing Attention Dysfunction in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
S Nattel, E Wilkinson, M Kristin, E Isenstein, A Kolevzon, MP Trelles
Biological Psychiatry 83 (9), S153, 2018
21. Auditory EEG Phenotypes in Single Gene Disorders: Insight into Heterogeneity in Idiopathic Autism
L Ethridge, E Berry-Kravis, A Thaliath, E Isenstein, A Durkin, C Nelson, ...
Biological Psychiatry 83 (9), S8-S9, 2018
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20