Marc Sanjaume-Calvet
Marc Sanjaume-Calvet
Assistant Professor of Political Theory, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)
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Cited by
Cited by
Recognition and political accommodation: from regionalism to secessionism. The Catalan case
F Requejo, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Political Theory Working Paper, 1-27, 2013
The Political Use of de facto Referendums of Independence The Case of Catalonia
J López, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Representation 56 (4), 501-519, 2020
Moralism in theories of secession: A realist perspective
M Sanjaume‐Calvet
Nations and Nationalism 26 (2), 323-343, 2020
Languages, secessionism and party competition in Catalonia: A case of de-ethnicising outbidding?
M Sanjaume-Calvet, E Riera-Gil
Party Politics 28 (1), 85-104, 2022
The Catalan process: Sovereignty, self-determination and democracy in the 21st century
A Branchadell, L Cappuccio, AG Gagnon, J López, HL Bofill, L Pérez, ...
Generalitat de Catalunya-Institut d'Estudis de l'Autogovern, 2017
Legalizing Secession: The Catalan Case
L Pérez, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Journal of Conflictology 4 (2), 2, 2013
Asymmetry as a Device for Equal Recognition and Reasonable Accommodation of Majority and Minority Nations. A Country Study on Constitutional Asymmetry in Spain
P Bossacoma Busquets, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Constitutional Asymmetry in Multinational Federalism, 429-460, 2019
Catalunya, un pas endavant
M Guinjoan, T Rodon, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Barcelona: Angle, 2013
How fair is it? An experimental study of perceived fairness of distributive policies
T Rodon, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Federalismo pluralismo nacional y autodeterminación: la acomodación de Cataluña y Quebec
M Sanjaume-Calvet
Federalismo, autonomía y secesión en el debate territorial español. El caso …, 2015
Plebiscitarianism revisited: A typology of independence referendums
M Sanjaume-Calvet
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2021
7 Secession and liberal democracy
F Requejo, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Secessionism and Separatism in Europe and Asia: To Have a State of One’s Own …, 2012
Clash of legitimacies in Catalonia and Spain: the Imperial Logic of Modern Constitutionalism mersus multinational federalism
AG Gagnon, M Sanjaume-Calvet
The Catalan process: Sovereignty, self-determination and democracy in the …, 2017
5.2 Catalunya: federalisme i dret a decidir
AG Gagnon, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Anuari del Conflicte Social, 432-456, 2013
Explaining Secessionism: What Do We Really Know About It?
F Requejo, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Politics and Governance 9 (4), 371-375, 2021
The emergence of a democratic right to self-determination in Europe
D Turp, M Sanjaume-Calvet
The morality of secession: secessionist and antisecessionist arguments in the Catalan case
M Sanjaume-Calvet
Catalonia: A new independent State in Europe?, 82-106, 2016
Immigration, self-government and secessionism: the Québec case
AG Gagnon, M Sanjaume-Calvet
Pro-independence Movements and Immigration, 30-57, 2016
Demandes de noves estatalitats al segle XXI: l’estat de la qüestió en la literatura acadèmica
J López, M Sanjaume-Calvet, I Serrano
Idees. Revista de temes contemporanis, 2010
Loyalty does not mean submission!»: On the Covid19 measures and the apparently surprising features of the Spanish territorial model
M Grau-Creus, M Sanjaume-Calvet
UACES Territorial Politics Available from: https://uacesterrpol. wordpress …, 2020
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Articles 1–20