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Contribution à l'identification des paramètres de non idéalité dans des capteurs de pression piézorésistifs au silicium
A Chaabi
Reduced-order model approximation of fractional-order systems using differential evolution algorithm
B Bourouba, S Ladaci, A Chaabi
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 29 (1), 32-43, 2018
Design of a compact and high sensitivity temperature sensor using metamaterial
S Zemouli, A Chaabi, HS Talbi
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2015 (1), 301358, 2015
Fabrication process for PCBMEMS capacitive pressure sensors using the cu layer to define the gap
M Souilah, A Chaabi, F Perdigones, JM Quero, G Flores, MR Lain
IEEE sensors journal 16 (5), 1151-1157, 2015
Moth-flame optimisation algorithm-based fractional order PIλDμ controller with MRAC tuning configuration
B Bourouba, S Ladaci, A Chaabi
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications 9 (2), 148-171, 2018
Design of a new coplanar isolator made from YIG film operating in the X-frequency band
S Kirouane, D Vincent, E Vernet, O Zahwe, B Payet-Gervy, A Chaabi
The European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 57 (1), 10602, 2012
Study and simulation with VHDL-AMS of the electrical impedance of a piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer
T Merdjana, A Chaabi
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN 2088 (8694), 1065, 2019
Retrieval of effective parameters of left handed materials by using different approaches
Z Hafdi, S Zemouli, A Chaabi
2013 8th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2013
MRAC-Based Fractional Order PID Controller Tuning Using Moth-Flame optimization Approach
B Bourouba, S Ladaci, A Chaabi
Int J Syst Control Commun 9 (2), 148-171, 2018
Simulation results on a new non symmetrical coplanar isolator structure using magnetic thin film
S Kirouane, E Verney, D Vincent, A Chaabi
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters 8, 161-170, 2009
MRAC-Based Fractional Order PIλDμ Controller Tuning Using Moth-Flame Optimization Approach
B Bourouba, S Ladaci, A Chaabi
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, online first, 2017
Microwave biosensor based on a double metamaterial particle
S Gamouh, A Chaabi
2016 4th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information …, 2016
Microstrip coupled high sensitivity sensor for water ethanol mixture characterization
Z Hafdi, J Tao, A Chaabi
Frequenz 75 (1-2), 1-7, 2021
VHDL-AMS and PSPICE modeling of ultrasonic piezoelectric transducer for biological mediums application
T Merdjana, A Chaabi, S Rouabah
2014 1st International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and …, 2014
Detection of the distribution of size of the desert aerosols by multispectral method LIDAR (UV to IR) by using genetic algorithms, compared with Longtin's model
Z Samir, B Samia, C Abdelhafid, LM Redha
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2013
Influence of collisional mixing on mean projected range at high dose irradiation of low-energy ions
D Mahdi, A Chaabi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2012
Contribution à la commande adaptative optimale d’ordre fractionnaire.
B Bourouba, S Ladaci, A Chaabi
Université Frères Mentouri-Constantine 1, 2018
Brillouin spectroscopy study of the radiation resistance of ferroelectric copolymer filled with Al2O3 and ZnO nanoparticles
S Rouabah, B Vincent, A Chaabi, D Rouxel, S Girard
The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 77 (3), 30701, 2017
Analytical description of SIMS depth resolution with different ions dose irradiation
D Mahdi, A Chaabi
AIP Conference Proceedings 1809 (1), 2017
Comparison between VHDL-AMS and PSPICE modeling of ultrasonic transducer for biological mediums
T Merdjana, A Chaabi, F Chirouf
2012 6th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies …, 2012
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