Katherina Kuschel
Katherina Kuschel
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Stemming the gender gap in STEM entrepreneurship–insights into women’s entrepreneurship in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
K Kuschel, K Ettl, C Díaz-García, GA Alsos
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 16 (1), 1-15, 2020
Funding challenges of Latin American women start-up founders in the technology industry
K Kuschel, MT Lepeley, F Espinosa, S Gutiérrez
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management 24 (2), 310-331, 2017
The wellbeing of women in entrepreneurship
MT Lepeley, K Kuschel, N Beutell, N Pouw, E Eijdenberg
Routledge, 2019
Copreneurial women in start-ups: Growth-oriented or lifestyle? An aid for technology industry investors
K Kuschel, MT Lepeley
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 29 (2), 181-197, 2016
Women start-ups in technology: Literature review and research agenda to improve participation
K Kuschel, MT Lepeley
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 27 (2-3), 333-346, 2016
Work-oriented men and women: Similar levels of work-family conflict and guilt yet different coping strategies
C Sousa, K Kuschel, A Brito, G Gonçalves
Psychological Thought 11 (2), 195-211, 2018
Women-led startups and their contribution to job creation
K Kuschel, JP Labra, G Diaz
Technology Entrepreneurship: Insights in New Technology-Based Firms …, 2018
Quantitative and qualitative work overload and its double effect on the work-family Interface
K Kuschel
School of Business and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2015
A contextual approach to women's entrepreneurship in Latin America: impacting research and public policy
R Ruiz-Martínez, K Kuschel, I Pastor
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 12 (1), 83-103, 2021
Developing entrepreneurial identity among start-ups’ female founders in high-tech: Policy implications from the Chilean case
K Kuschel, JP Labra
A Research Agenda for Women and Entrepreneurship, 27-44, 2018
The work-family field: Gaps and missing links as opportunities for future research
K Kuschel
Innovar 27 (66), 57-74, 2017
Opening the “Black Box”. Factors Affecting Women’s Journey to Top Management Positions: A Framework Applied to Chile
K Kuschel, E Salvaj
Administrative Sciences 8 (4), 63, 2018
Women founders in the technology industry: The startup-relatedness of the decision to become a mother
K Kuschel
Administrative sciences 9 (2), 30, 2019
The life-work continuum
NJ Beutell, K Kuschel, MT Lepeley
Human Centered Organizational Culture: Global Dimensions; Lepeley, MT …, 2021
Craftswomen entrepreneurs in flow: No boundaries between business and leisure
R Ruiz-Martínez, K Kuschel, I Pastor
Community, Work & Family 26 (4), 391-410, 2023
Negotiating business and family demands: the response strategies of highly educated Indian female entrepreneurs
J Banu, R Baral, K Kuschel
Community, Work & Family, 1-27, 2023
Opening the “Black Box”: Factors affecting women’s journey to senior management positions—A literature review
E Salvaj, K Kuschel
The new ideal worker: Organizations between work-life balance, gender and …, 2020
One step back, two steps forward: Internationalization strategies and the resilient growth of entrepreneurial ecosystems
R Henn, O Terzidis, K Kuschel, JC Leiva, C Alsua
Small Enterprise Research 29 (3), 273-307, 2022
Living well: Empirically developed structural equation model for healthy and effective self-regulation
B Heblich, O Terzidis, M González, K Kuschel, M Mukadam, M Birkenbach
International Journal of Clinical and health psychology 23 (4), 100375, 2023
Work-oriented men and women: Similar levels of work-family conflict and guilt yet different coping strategies. Psychological Thought, 11 (2), 195-211
C Sousa, K Kuschel, A Brito, G Gonçalves
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