José Luis Ballesteros-Rodríguez
José Luis Ballesteros-Rodríguez
Profesor del departamento de Economía y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
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The role of organizational culture and HRM on training success: evidence from the Canarian restaurant industry
JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, P De Saá-Pérez, C Domínguez-Falcón
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 23 (15), 3225-3242, 2012
The role of training to innovate in SMEs
P De Saá-Pérez, NL Díaz-Díaz, J Luis Ballesteros-Rodriguez
Innovation 14 (2), 218-230, 2012
How diversity contributes to academic research teams performance
P De Saá‐Pérez, NL Díaz‐Díaz, I Aguiar‐Díaz, JL Ballesteros‐Rodríguez
R&d Management 47 (2), 165-179, 2017
The influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of academic research groups: the mediating role of knowledge sharing
E Hormiga, P de Saá-Pérez, NL Díaz-Díaz, JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, ...
The Journal of Technology Transfer 42, 10-32, 2017
The influence of team members’ motivation and leaders’ behaviour on scientific knowledge sharing in universities
JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, P De Saá-Pérez, N García-Carbonell, ...
International Review of Administrative Sciences 88 (2), 320-336, 2022
Students' perceptions of the lecturer's role in management education: Knowledge acquisition and competence development
L Hernández-López, DJ García-Almeida, JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, ...
The International Journal of Management Education 14 (3), 411-421, 2016
University–industry relations and research group production: is there a bidirectional relationship?
I Aguiar-Díaz, NL Díaz-Díaz, JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, P De Saa-Perez
Industrial and Corporate Change 25 (4), 611-632, 2016
Socialization of business students in ethical issues: The role of individuals’ attitude and institutional factors
LE Hernandez-Lopez, FR Alamo-Vera, JL Ballesteros-Rodriguez, ...
The International Journal of Management Education 18 (1), 100363, 2020
Exploring the determinants of scientific productivity: A proposed typology of researchers
JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, P De Saá-Pérez, N García-Carbonell, ...
Journal of Intellectual Capital 23 (2), 195-221, 2022
La formación como proceso de transferencia al puesto de trabajo de los conocimientos aprendidos: un modelo explicativo aplicado al sector de la restauración
JL Ballesteros Rodríguez
An application of training transfer literature to the analysis of training for entrepreneurship: A conceptual model
I Santana-Dominguez, JL Ballesteros-Rodriguez, C Domínguez-Falcón
The International Journal of Management Education 20 (2), 100649, 2022
The influence of organisational context on training success in the restaurant industry
JL Ballesteros y Petra de Saá
The Service Industries Journal 32 (8), 1265-1282, 2012
The role of leadership in the management of conflict and knowledge sharing in the research groups of a Spanish public university
JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, NL Díaz-Díaz, I Aguiar-Díaz, PD Saá-Pérez
Public Organization Review 20, 421-436, 2020
Self-assessment of competences in management education
L Hernández López, P de Saá Pérez, JL Ballesteros Rodríguez, ...
International Journal of Educational Management 29 (5), 627-644, 2015
Motivation and prior knowledge as determinants of knowledge assimilation: Explaining the academic results of tourism students
DJ García-Almeida, L Hernández-López, JL Ballesteros, P De Saá-Pérez
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 11 (2), 151-160, 2012
Training as an internal marketing tool within the franchise system
C Domínguez-Falcón, M Fernández-Monroy, I Galván-Sánchez, ...
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 31 (3), 396-422, 2021
Competence development and employability expectations: A gender perspective of mobility programmes in higher education
FR Alamo-Vera, L Hernández-López, JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, ...
Administrative Sciences 10 (3), 74, 2020
La formación como proceso de transferencia de conocimiento: Un modelo aplicado al sector de la restauración
JL Ballesteros, P De Saá
Fundación FYDE, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1995
La formación como proceso de transferencia de conocimientos: Un modelo aplicado al sector de la restauración
JL Ballesteros Rodríguez, P De Saa Pérez
Fundación FYDE-CajaCanarias, 2010
Leadership, conflict, and knowledge sharing in the public university
JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, NL Díaz-Díaz, I Aguiar-Díaz, P De Saá-Pérez
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance …, 2023
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