David Tamborero
David Tamborero
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Comprehensive characterization of cancer driver genes and mutations
MH Bailey, C Tokheim, E Porta-Pardo, S Sengupta, D Bertrand, ...
Cell 173 (2), 371-385. e18, 2018
Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes
Nature 578 (7793), 82-93, 2020
A landscape of pharmacogenomic interactions in cancer
F Iorio, TA Knijnenburg, DJ Vis, GR Bignell, MP Menden, M Schubert, ...
Cell 166 (3), 740-754, 2016
Multiplatform analysis of 12 cancer types reveals molecular classification within and across tissues of origin
KA Hoadley, C Yau, DM Wolf, AD Cherniack, D Tamborero, S Ng, ...
Cell 158 (4), 929-944, 2014
Non-coding recurrent mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
XS Puente, S Beà, R Valdés-Mas, N Villamor, J Gutiérrez-Abril, ...
Nature 526 (7574), 519-524, 2015
Pan-cancer network analysis identifies combinations of rare somatic mutations across pathways and protein complexes
MDM Leiserson, F Vandin, HT Wu, JR Dobson, JV Eldridge, JL Thomas, ...
Nature genetics 47 (2), 106-114, 2015
IntOGen-mutations identifies cancer drivers across tumor types
A Gonzalez-Perez, C Perez-Llamas, J Deu-Pons, D Tamborero, ...
Nature methods 10 (11), 1081-1082, 2013
CIViC is a community knowledgebase for expert crowdsourcing the clinical interpretation of variants in cancer
M Griffith, NC Spies, K Krysiak, JF McMichael, AC Coffman, AM Danos, ...
Nature genetics 49 (2), 170-174, 2017
Analyses of non-coding somatic drivers in 2,658 cancer whole genomes
E Rheinbay, MM Nielsen, F Abascal, JA Wala, O Shapira, G Tiao, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 102-111, 2020
Comprehensive identification of mutational cancer driver genes across 12 tumor types
D Tamborero, A Gonzalez-Perez, C Perez-Llamas, J Deu-Pons, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2650, 2013
Cancer Genome Interpreter annotates the biological and clinical relevance of tumor alterations
D Tamborero, C Rubio-Perez, J Deu-Pons, MP Schroeder, A Vivancos, ...
Genome medicine 10, 1-8, 2018
Pre-procedural predictors of atrial fibrillation recurrence after circumferential pulmonary vein ablation
A Berruezo, D Tamborero, L Mont, B Benito, JM Tolosana, M Sitges, ...
European heart journal 28 (7), 836-841, 2007
OncodriveCLUST: exploiting the positional clustering of somatic mutations to identify cancer genes
D Tamborero, A Gonzalez-Perez, N Lopez-Bigas
Bioinformatics 29 (18), 2238-2244, 2013
Gender differences in clinical manifestations of Brugada syndrome
B Benito, A Sarkozy, L Mont, S Henkens, A Berruezo, D Tamborero, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 52 (19), 1567-1573, 2008
Physical activity, height, and left atrial size are independent risk factors for lone atrial fibrillation in middle-aged healthy individuals
L Mont, D Tamborero, R Elosua, I Molina, B Coll-Vinent, M Sitges, B Vidal, ...
Europace 10 (1), 15-20, 2008
In silico prescription of anticancer drugs to cohorts of 28 tumor types reveals targeting opportunities
C Rubio-Perez, D Tamborero, MP Schroeder, AA Antolín, J Deu-Pons, ...
Cancer cell 27 (3), 382-396, 2015
A pan-cancer landscape of interactions between solid tumors and infiltrating immune cell populations
D Tamborero, C Rubio-Perez, F Muiños, R Sabarinathan, JM Piulats, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 24 (15), 3717-3728, 2018
Transcriptome characterization by RNA sequencing identifies a major molecular and clinical subdivision in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
PG Ferreira, P Jares, D Rico, G Gómez-López, A Martínez-Trillos, ...
Genome research 24 (2), 212-226, 2014
Low efficacy of atrial fibrillation ablation in severe obstructive sleep apnoea patients
M Matiello, M Nadal, D Tamborero, A Berruezo, J Montserrat, C Embid, ...
Europace 12 (8), 1084-1089, 2010
Integrating genomic alterations in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma identifies new relevant pathways and potential therapeutic targets
K Karube, A Enjuanes, I Dlouhy, P Jares, D Martín-García, F Nadeu, ...
Leukemia 32 (3), 675-684, 2018
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20