Julián Milano
Julián Milano
Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, CNEA-CONICET
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Crossover to striped magnetic domains in Fe1− xGax magnetostrictive thin films
M Barturen, B Rache Salles, P Schio, J Milano, A Butera, S Bustingorry, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (9), 2012
Half-metallic character and electronic properties of inverse magnetoresistant Fe 1− x Co x Si alloys
J Guevara, V Vildosola, J Milano, AM Llois
Physical Review B 69 (18), 184422, 2004
Effect of dipolar interaction on the antiferromagnetic resonance spectra of NiO
J Milano, LB Steren, M Grimsditch
Physical review letters 93 (7), 077601, 2004
Magnetic response of cobalt nanowires with diameter below 5 nm
P Schio, F Vidal, Y Zheng, J Milano, E Fonda, D Demaille, B Vodungbo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (9), 094436, 2010
Mechanism of localization of the magnetization reversal in 3 nm wide Co nanowires
F Vidal, Y Zheng, P Schio, FJ Bonilla, M Barturen, J Milano, D Demaille, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (11), 117205, 2012
Nanowires formation and the origin of ferromagnetism in a diluted magnetic oxide
F Vidal, Y Zheng, J Milano, D Demaille, P Schio, E Fonda, B Vodungbo
Applied Physics Letters 95 (15), 2009
Metastable tetragonal structure of FeGa epitaxial thin films on ZnSe/GaAs(001) substrate
M Eddrief, Y Zheng, S Hidki, B Rache Salles, J Milano, VH Etgens, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (16), 161410, 2011
Magnetic field dependence of antiferromagnetic resonance in NiO
Z Wang, S Kovalev, N Awari, M Chen, S Germanskiy, B Green, JC Deinert, ...
Applied physics letters 112 (25), 2018
Magnetization reversal and anomalous dependence of the coercive field with temperature in MnAs epilayers grown on GaAs
LB Steren, J Milano, V Garcia, M Marangolo, M Eddrief, VH Etgens
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (14), 144402, 2006
Large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in magnetostrictive thin films
M Barturen, J Milano, M Vásquez-Mansilla, C Helman, MA Barral, ...
Physical Review B 92 (5), 054418, 2015
Magnetic field effects on the NiO magnon spectra
J Milano, M Grimsditch
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (9), 094415, 2010
Uniaxial anisotropy and temperature driven magnetization reversal of Fe deposited on a magnetic template
M Sacchi, M Marangolo, C Spezzani, L Coelho, R Breitwieser, J Milano, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (16), 165317, 2008
Correlation between magnetic interactions and domain structure in A1 FePt ferromagnetic thin films
N Álvarez, E Sallica Leva, RC Valente, M Vásquez Mansilla, J Gómez, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (8), 2014
Growth and magnetic properties of vertically aligned epitaxial CoNi nanowires in (Sr, Ba) TiO3 with diameters in the 1.8–6 nm range
V Schuler, J Milano, A Coati, A Vlad, M Sauvage-Simkin, Y Garreau, ...
Nanotechnology 27 (49), 495601, 2016
Correlation between radiation damage and magnetic properties in reactor vessel steels
RA Kempf, J Sacanell, J Milano, NG Méndez, E Winkler, A Butera, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 445 (1-3), 57-62, 2014
Thermodynamic conditions during growth determine the magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial thin-films of La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3
JM Vila-Fungueiriño, CT Bui, B Rivas-Murias, E Winkler, J Milano, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (31), 315001, 2016
Temperature evolution of the effective magnetic anisotropy in the MnCr2O4 spinel
D Tobia, J Milano, MT Causa, EL Winkler
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (1), 016003, 2014
Thickness dependence of the magnetoelectric coupling in Fe89Ga11 thin films deposited on ferroelectric PMN-PT single crystals
MJ Jiménez, G Cabeza, JE Gomez, DV Rodriguez, L Leiva, J Milano, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 501, 166361, 2020
Rotatable anisotropy of epitaxial Fe1−xGax thin films
M Barturen, M Sacchi, M Eddrieff, J Milano, S Bustingorry, H Popescu, ...
The European Physical Journal B 86, 1-3, 2013
Determination of Gd concentration profile in UO2–Gd2O3 fuel pellets
D Tobia, EL Winkler, J Milano, A Butera, R Kempf, L Bianchi, F Kaufmann
Journal of Nuclear Materials 451 (1-3), 207-210, 2014
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Articles 1–20