Eduardo Vendrell Vidal
Eduardo Vendrell Vidal
Assistant Professor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
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La enseñanza de la informática, la programación y el pensamiento computacional en los estudios preuniversitarios The Teaching of Computer Science, Programming and Computational …
FL Largo, FJ García-Peñalvo, XM Prieto, EV Vidal
EKS 18 (2), 2017
Educación en Informática sub 18 (EI< 18)
FJ García-Peñalvo, F Llorens Largo, X Molero Prieto, E Vendrell Vidal
Asociación Española de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2017
3D model visualization enhancements in real-time game engines
A Merlo, C Sánchez Belenguer, E Vendrell Vidal, F Fantini, A Aliperta
The international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial …, 2013
A discrete approach for pairwise matching of archaeological fragments
E Vendrell-Vidal, C Sánchez-Belenguer
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 7 (3), 1-19, 2014
Archaeological fragment characterization and 3D reconstruction based on projective GPU depth maps
CS Belenguer, EV Vidal
18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), 275-282, 2012
An augmented reality mobile app for museums: virtual restoration of a plate of glass
AF Abate, S Barra, G Galeotafiore, C Díaz, E Aura, M Sánchez, X Mas, ...
Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation …, 2018
Robot planning and re-planning using decomposition, abstraction, deduction, and prediction
E Vendrell, M Mellado, A Crespo
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 14 (4), 505-518, 2001
Application of a real time expert system platform for flexible autonomous transport in industrial production
M Mellado, E Vendrell, A Crespo, P López, J Garbajosa, C Lomba, ...
Computers in Industry 38 (2), 187-200, 1999
Cyclododecane as opacifier for digitalization of archaeological glass
C Díaz-Marín, E Aura-Castro, C Sánchez-Belenguer, E Vendrell-Vidal
Journal of Cultural Heritage 17, 131-140, 2016
Automatic production of tailored packaging for fragile archaeological artifacts
C Sanchez-Belenguer, E Vendrell-Vidal, M Sánchez-López, C Díaz-Marín, ...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 8 (3), 1-11, 2015
A variable point kernel dosimetry method for virtual reality simulation applications in nuclear safeguards and security
TM Caracena, JGM Gonçalves, P Peerani, EV Vidal
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (5), 3862-3871, 2013
Aprendizajes reales en ambientes virtuales. El rol de la tecnología en la era de la inteligencia artificial y el big data
U Cukierman, EV Vidal
Cuaderno de Pedagogía Universitaria 17 (34), 59-67, 2020
A KD-trees based method for fast radiation source representation for virtual reality dosimetry applications in nuclear safeguards and security
TM Caracena, EV Vidal, JGM Gonçalves, P Peerani
Progress in Nuclear Energy 95, 78-83, 2017
Virtual reality based system for nuclear safeguards applications
JGM Gonçalves, T Moltó-Caracena, V Sequeira, E Vendrell-Vidal
IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards, 2010
An efficient technique to recompose archaeological artifacts from fragments
C Sánchez-Belenguer, E Vendrell-Vidal
2014 International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM), 337-344, 2014
Characterization of 3d printing filaments applied in restoration of sensitive archaeological objects using rapid prototyping
E Aura-Castro, C Díaz-Marín, X Mas-Barberà, M Sánchez, ...
Rapid Prototyping Journal 27 (4), 645-657, 2021
Virtual reconstruction and representation of an archaeological terracotta statue
C Díaz-Marín, E Vendrell-Vidal, E Aura-Castro, AF Abate, ...
2015 Digital Heritage 2, 699-702, 2015
From a model of a city to an urban information system: The SIUR 3D of the castle of Pietrabuona
D Troiano, AG Morro, A Merlo, EV Vidal
Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation …, 2014
Strategies in e-business
I Gil-Pechuán, D Palacios-Marqués, MP Peris-Ortiz, E Vendrell, ...
New York: Springer Science+ Business Media. doi 10, 978-1, 2014
A design and simulation tool for nuclear safeguards surveillance systems
TM Caracena, D Brasset, EV Vidal, ER Morales, JGM Gonçalves
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Artículos 1–20