Esteve Codina
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Microscopic traffic simulation: A tool for the design, analysis and evaluation of intelligent transport systems
J Barceló, E Codina, J Casas, JL Ferrer, D García
Journal of intelligent and robotic systems 41, 173-203, 2005
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of an external gear pump with decompression slot and meshing contact point
R Castilla, PJ Gamez-Montero, D Del Campo, G Raush, M Garcia-Vilchez, ...
Journal of Fluids Engineering 137 (4), 041105, 2015
Network design: taxi planning
A Marín, E Codina
Annals of Operations Research 157 (1), 135-151, 2008
A review of gerotor technology in hydraulic machines
PJ Gamez-Montero, E Codina, R Castilla
Energies 12 (12), 2423, 2019
Adjustment of O–D trip matrices from observed volumes: an algorithmic approach based on conjugate directions
E Codina, J Barceló
European Journal of Operational Research 155 (3), 535-557, 2004
Integrated approach to network design and frequency setting problem in railway rapid transit systems
F López-Ramos, E Codina, Á Marín, A Guarnaschelli
Computers & Operations Research 80, 128-146, 2017
GeroMAG: in-house prototype of an innovative sealed, compact and non-shaft-driven gerotor pump with magnetically-driving outer rotor
PJ Gamez-Montero, R Castilla, E Codina, J Freire, J Morató, ...
Energies 10 (4), 435, 2017
A model for setting services on auxiliary bus lines under congestion
E Codina, A Marín, F López
Top 21, 48-83, 2013
A heuristic method for a congested capacitated transit assignment model with strategies
E Codina, F Rosell
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 106, 293-320, 2017
A variational inequality reformulation of a congested transit assignment model by Cominetti, Correa, Cepeda, and Florian
E Codina
Transportation Science 47 (2), 231-246, 2013
Combining macroscopic and microscopic approaches for transportation planning and design of road networks
L Montero, E Codina, J Barceló, P Barceló
Proceedings of the 19th ARRB Meeting, Sydney, 1998
Pressure effects on the performance of external gear pumps under cavitation
D del Campo, R Castilla, GA Raush, PJ Gamez-Montero, E Codina
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2014
Computational fluid dynamics and particle image velocimetry assisted design tools for a new generation of trochoidal gear pumps
M Garcia-Vilchez, PJ Gamez-Montero, E Codina, R Castilla, G Raush, ...
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 7 (7), 1687814015592561, 2015
A combined methodology for transportation planning assessment. Application to a case study
L Montero, E Codina, J Barcelo, P Barceló
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 9 (3), 213-230, 2001
New algorithmic alternatives for the O–D matrix adjustment problem on traffic networks
E Codina, R García, A Marín
European Journal of Operational Research 175 (3), 1484-1500, 2006
Methodology based on best practice rules to design a new-born trochoidal gear pump
PJ Gamez-Montero, R Castilla, E Codina
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2018
Dynamic traffic assignment: Considerations on some deterministic modelling approaches
E Codina, J Barceló
Annals of Operations Research 60, 1-58, 1995
Applying projection‐based methods to the asymmetric traffic assignment problem
EC Sancho, G Ibáñez Marí, JB Bugeda
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 30 (2), 103-119, 2015
A model that assesses proposals for infrastructure improvement and capacity expansion on a mixed railway network
F Rosell, E Codina
Transportation Research Procedia 47, 441-448, 2020
Magnet-sleeve-sealed mini trochoidal-gear pump prototype with polymer composite gear
PJ Gamez-Montero, P Antoniak, R Castilla, J Freire, J Krawczyk, ...
Energies 10 (10), 1458, 2017
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Articles 1–20