Álvaro Ramírez
Álvaro Ramírez
Associate professor in Zoology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Fruit tracking between sites and years by birds in Mediterranean wintering grounds
J Luis Tellería, A Ramirez, J Pérez‐Tris
Ecography 31 (3), 381-388, 2008
Conservation of seed-dispersing migrant birds in Mediterranean habitats: shedding light on patterns to preserve processes
JL Tellería, Á Ramírez, J Pérez-Tris
Biological Conservation 124 (4), 493-502, 2005
Evolution of parasite island syndromes without long‐term host population isolation: parasite dynamics in Macaronesian blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla
A Pérez‐Rodríguez, Á Ramírez, DS Richardson, J Pérez‐Tris
Global Ecology and Biogeography 22 (12), 1272-1281, 2013
A multiplex PCR for detection of poxvirus and papillomavirus in cutaneous warts from live birds and museum skins
J Pérez-Tris, RAJ Williams, E Abel-Fernández, J Barreiro, JJ Conesa, ...
Avian diseases 55 (4), 545-553, 2011
Distribution of robins Erithacus rubecula in wintering grounds: effects of conspecific density, migratory status and age
JL Tellería, J Pérez-Tris, A Ramírez, E Fernández-Juricic, R Carbonell
Ardea 89 (2), 363-373, 2001
Do migratory pathways affect the regional abundance of wintering birds? A test in northern Spain
JL Tellería, Á Ramírez, A Galarza, R Carbonell, J Pérez‐Tris, T Santos
Journal of Biogeography 36 (2), 220-229, 2009
Geographical, landscape and habitat effects on birds in Northern Spanish farmlands: implications for conservation
JL Tellería, Á Ramírez, A Galarza, R Carbonell, J Pérez-Tris, T Santos
Ardeola 55 (2), 203-219, 2008
Adequacy of winter stubble maintenance for steppe passerine conservation in central Spain
F Suárez, V Garza, JJ Oñate, ELG de la Morena, A Ramırez, MB Morales
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 104 (3), 667-671, 2004
Are Iberian Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus (collybita) brehmii long-distance migrants? An analysis of flight-related morphology
J Pérez-Tris, Á Ramírez, JL Tellería
Bird Study 50 (2), 146-152, 2003
How residents behave: home range flexibility and dominance over migrants in a Mediterranean passerine
M Morganti, G Assandri, JI Aguirre, Á Ramirez, M Caffi, F Pulido
Animal Behaviour 123, 293-304, 2017
Efectos geográficos y ambientales sobre la distribución de las aves forestales ibéricas
Á Ramírez, JL Tellería
Graellsia 59 (2-3), 219-231, 2003
Trade-off between tolerance and resistance to infections: an experimental approach with malaria parasites in a passerine bird
E Arriero, J Pérez-Tris, A Ramírez, C Remacha
Oecologia 188 (4), 1001-1010, 2018
A two-stage approach to automatically detect and classify woodpecker (Fam. Picidae) sounds
E Vidaña-Vila, J Navarro, RM Alsina-Pagès, Á Ramírez
Applied Acoustics 166, 107312, 2020
Utilidad de las aves como indicadores de la riqueza específica regional de otros taxones
A Ramírez
Ardeola 47 (2), 221-226, 2000
Distribution of the European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur) at the edge of the South-Western Palaearctic: transboundary differences and conservation prospects
JL Tellería, R Carbonell, G Fandos, E Tena, A Onrubia, A Qninba, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 66 (5), 1-9, 2020
Conservation opportunities in Spanish Juniper Juniperus thurifera woodlands: the case of migratory thrushes Turdus spp.
JL Tellería, I De La Hera, Á Ramírez, T Santos
Ardeola 58 (1), 57-70, 2011
Use of restoration plantings to enchance bird seed dispersal at the roadside: failures and prospects
R Torre, MD Jiménez, Á Ramírez, I Mola, MA Casado, L Balaguer
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 23 (4), 302-311, 2015
The importance of northern Spanish farmland for wintering migratory passerines: a quantitative assessment
T Santos, R Carbonell, A Galarza, J Perez-Tris, A Ramirez, JL TELLERÍA
Bird Conservation International 24 (1), 1-16, 2014
Vegetational versus topographical effects on forest bird communities: a test in the Cantabrian Mixed Forest Ecoregion (Spain)
T Santos, A Galarza, A Ramírez, J Pérez-Tris, JL Carbonell, R. & Tellería
Ardeola 57 (2), 285-302, 2010
Seasonal changes in habitat selection by a strict forest specialist, the Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Leiopicus medius), at its southwestern boundary: implications for conservation
J Domínguez, R Carbonell, A Ramírez
Journal of Ornithology 158 (2), 459-467, 2017
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