Ana M. Moreno
Cited by
Cited by
Basics of software engineering experimentation
N Juristo, AM Moreno
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Effectiveness of requirements elicitation techniques: Empirical results derived from a systematic review
A Davis, O Dieste, A Hickey, N Juristo, AM Moreno
14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'06), 179-188, 2006
Reviewing 25 years of testing technique experiments
N Juristo, AM Moreno, S Vegas
Empirical Software Engineering 9 (1), 7-44, 2004
Gamification in Software Engineering Education: A Systematic Mapping
M Alhammad, AM Moreno
Journal of Systems and Software, 2018
Emphasizing human capabilities in software development
ST Acuna, N Juristo, AM Moreno
IEEE software 23 (2), 94-101, 2006
Guidelines for eliciting usability functionalities
N Juristo, A Moreno, MI Sanchez-Segura
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (11), 744-758, 2007
Analysing the impact of usability on software design
N Juristo, AM Moreno, MI Sanchez-Segura
Journal of Systems and Software 80 (9), 1506-1516, 2007
Knowledge maps: An essential technique for conceptualisation
A Gómez, A Moreno, J Pazos, A Sierra-Alonso
A Gómez, A Moreno, J Pazos, A Sierra-Alonso, 2000
Balancing software engineering education and industrial needs
AM Moreno, MI Sanchez-Segura, F Medina-Dominguez, L Carvajal
Journal of systems and software 85 (7), 1607-1620, 2012
Is the European industry moving toward solving requirements engineering problems?
N Juristo, AM Moreno, A Silva
IEEE software 19 (6), 70-77, 2002
Usability through software design
L Carvajal, AM Moreno, MI Sanchez-Segura, A Seffah
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 39 (11), 1582-1596, 2013
How to use linguistic instruments for object-oriented analysis
N Juristo, AM Moreno, M López
IEEE software 17 (3), 80-89, 2000
Guest editors' introduction: Software testing practices in industry
N Juristo, AM Moreno, W Strigel
IEEE software 23 (4), 19-21, 2006
Analysis of the influence of communication between researchers on experiment replication
S Vegas, N Juristo, A Moreno, M Solari, P Letelier
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE international symposium on Empirical …, 2006
Framework for integrating usability practices into the software process
X Ferre, N Juristo, AM Moreno
International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement …, 2005
In search of what we experimentally know about unit testing
N Juristo, AM Moreno, S Vegas, M Solari
IEEE software 23 (6), 72-80, 2006
Persona as a tool to involving human in agile methods: contributions from HCI and marketing
L Caballero, AM Moreno, A Seffah
International Conference on Human-Centred Software Engineering, 283-290, 2014
Agile user stories enriched with usability
AM Moreno, A Yagüe
International Conference on Agile Software Development, 168-176, 2012
Improving software usability through architectural patterns
N Juristo, M Lopez, AM Moreno, MI Sánchez
ICSE Workshop on SE-HCI, 12-19, 2003
A Software Process Model Handbook for Incorporating People's Capabilities
ST Acuna, N Juristo, AM Moreno, A Mon
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
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Articles 1–20