Maria Eugenia Cabrera Catalan
Maria Eugenia Cabrera Catalan
Escuela de Ciencias Físicas y Matemática, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
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Cited by
Bayesian approach and naturalness in MSSM analyses for the LHC
ME Cabrera, A Casas, R Ruiz de Austri
Journal of High Energy Physics, Issue 03, id. 075 (2009)., 2009
The health of SUSY after the Higgs discovery and the XENON100 data
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, RR de Austri
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2013, article id.182, 2013
Upper Bounds on Superpartner Masses from Upper Bounds on the Higgs Boson Mass
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, A Delgado
Physical Review Letters, vol. 108, Issue 2, id. 021802, 2012
Constraints on sneutrino dark matter from LHC Run 1
C Arina, MEC Catalan, S Kraml, S Kulkarni, U Laa
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volumen 2015, article id. 142, 2015
Indirect and direct detection prospect for TeV dark matter in the nine parameter MSSM
ME Cabrera-Catalan, S Ando, C Weniger, F Zandanel
Physical review d 92 (3), 035018, 2015
MSSM forecast for the LHC
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, RR de Austri
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2010, article id.43, 2010
Naturalness of MSSM dark matter
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, A Delgado, S Robles, RR de Austri
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (8), 1-30, 2016
Multi-lepton signatures at LHC from sneutrino dark matter
C Arina, ME Cabrera
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2014, article id.100, 2014
Dark matter protohalos in a nine parameter MSSM and implications for direct and indirect detection
R Diamanti, MEC Catalan, S Ando
Physical Review D 92 (6), 065029, 2015
Understanding and improving the Effective Mass for LHC searches
ME Cabrera, JA Casas
Generalized blind spots for dark matter direct detection in the 2HDM
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, A Delgado, S Robles
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 (2), 1-17, 2020
LHC and dark matter phenomenology of the NUGHM
ME Cabrera, A Casas, RR de Austri, G Bertone
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2014, article id.114, 39 pp., 2014
2HDM singlet portal to dark matter
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, A Delgado, S Robles
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (1), 1-15, 2021
Histogram comparison tools for the search of new physics at LHC. Application to the CMSSM
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, VA Mitsou, RR de Austri, J Terrón
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2012, article id.133, 2012
New techniques for chargino-neutralino detection at LHC
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, B Zaldívar
Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2013, article id.58, 2013
Quantifying the tension between the Higgs mass and (g-2)μ in the constrained MSSM
ME Cabrera, JA Casas, R Ruiz de Austri, R Trotta
Physical Review D, vol. 84, Issue 1, id. 015006, 2011
Bayesian study and naturalness in MSSM forecast for the LHC
ME Cabrera
arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.2525, 2010
Revealing mass-degenerate states in Higgs boson signals
S AbdusSalam, ME Cabrera
The European Physical Journal C 79 (12), 1034, 2019
PoS (PLANCK 2015) 022 Indirect and direct detection prospect for TeV dark matter in the MSSM-9
MEC Catalan, S Ando, C Wenigerb, F Zandanelb
A Bayesian trek in the search of Supersymmetry and other New Physics at the LHC
MEC Catalán
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2011
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Articles 1–20