Guillermo Rosas
Guillermo Rosas
Professor of Political Science, Washington University in St Louis
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Latin American party systems
H Kitschelt, KA Hawkins, JP Luna, G Rosas, EJ Zechmeister
Cambridge University Press, 2010
Foreign direct investment and income inequality in Mexico, 1990–2000
NM Jensen, G Rosas
International Organization 61 (3), 467-487, 2007
Bagehot or bailout? An analysis of government responses to banking crises
G Rosas
American journal of political science 50 (1), 175-191, 2006
Gubernatorial effects on the voting behavior of national legislators
G Rosas, J Langston
The Journal of Politics 73 (2), 477-493, 2011
Trust in elections and the institutional design of electoral authorities: Evidence from Latin America
G Rosas
Electoral Studies 29 (1), 74-90, 2010
The ideological organization of Latin American legislative parties: An empirical analysis of elite policy preferences
G Rosas
Comparative Political Studies 38 (7), 824-849, 2005
Partisanship in non-partisan electoral agencies and democratic compliance: Evidence from Mexico's Federal Electoral Institute
F Estévez, E Magar, G Rosas
Electoral Studies 27 (2), 257-271, 2008
Curbing bailouts: Bank crises and democratic accountability in comparative perspective
G Rosas
University of Michigan Press, 2009
Models of nonresponse in legislative politics
G Rosas, Y Shomer
Legislative Studies Quarterly 33 (4), 573-601, 2008
No news is news: nonignorable nonresponse in roll‐call data analysis
G Rosas, Y Shomer, SR Haptonstahl
American Journal of Political Science 59 (2), 511-528, 2015
The Misiones of the Chávez government
KA Hawkins, G Rosas, ME Johnson
Venezuela’s Bolivarian democracy: participation, politics, and culture under …, 2011
Political liabilities: surviving banking crises
A Crespo-Tenorio, NM Jensen, G Rosas
Comparative Political Studies 47 (7), 1047-1074, 2014
Multicointegration and sustainability of fiscal practices
L Leachman, A Bester, G Rosas, P Lange
Economic Inquiry 43 (2), 454-466, 2005
The political economy of budget deficits
LL Leachman, G Rosas, P Lange, A Bester
Economics & Politics 19 (3), 369-420, 2007
Reassessing the trade-off hypothesis: How misery drives the corruption effect on presidential approval
G Rosas, L Manzetti
Electoral Studies 39, 26-38, 2015
Issues, ideologies, and partisan divides: imprints of programmatic structure on Latin American Legislatures
G Rosas
Latin American Party Systems, 70-95, 2010
Vote-seeking incentives and investment environments: The need for credit claiming and the provision of protectionism
BF Crisp, NM Jensen, G Rosas, T Zeitzoff
Electoral Studies 29 (2), 221-226, 2010
Local public goods as vote-purchasing devices? Persuasion and mobilization in the choice of clientelist payments
G Rosas, NP Johnston, K Hawkins
Journal of Theoretical Politics 26 (4), 573-598, 2014
Corruption and the Latin American voter
L Manzetti, G Rosas
The Latin American voter: Pursuing representation and accountability in …, 2015
Patterns of programmatic party competition in Latin America
H Kitschelt, KA Hawkins, G Rosas, EJ Zechmeister
Latin American party systems, 14-58, 2010
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Artículos 1–20