Juan Antonio Caballero
Juan Antonio Caballero
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Measurement of inclusive jet and dijet production in pp collisions at\documentclass [12pt]{minimal}\usepackage {amsmath}\usepackage {wasysym}\usepackage {amsfonts}\usepackage …
ATLAS Collaboration, G Aad
Phys. Rev. D 86, 014022, 2012
Using electron scattering superscaling to predict charge-changing neutrino cross sections in nuclei
JE Amaro, MB Barbaro, JA Caballero, TW Donnelly, A Molinari, I Sick
Physical Review C 71 (1), 015501, 2005
Spectroscopic factors in and from (e,ep): Fully relativistic analysis
JM Udias, P Sarriguren, EM De Guerra, E Garrido, JA Caballero
Physical Review C 48 (6), 2731, 1993
Charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions within the superscaling meson-exchange current approach
GD Megias, JE Amaro, MB Barbaro, JA Caballero, TW Donnelly, IR Simo
Physical Review D 94 (9), 093004, 2016
Quasielastic scattering from relativistic bound nucleons: Transverse-longitudinal response
JM Udias, JA Caballero, EM De Guerra, JE Amaro, TW Donnelly
Physical Review Letters 83 (26), 5451, 1999
Relativistic versus nonrelativistic optical potentials in A(e,ep)B reactions
JM Udias, P Sarriguren, EM de Guerra, E Garrido, JA Caballero
Physical Review C 51 (6), 3246, 1995
Extensions of superscaling from relativistic mean field theory: The SuSAv2 model
R González-Jiménez, GD Megias, MB Barbaro, JA Caballero, ...
Physical Review C 90 (3), 035501, 2014
Nuclear model effects in charged-current neutrino-nucleus quasielastic scattering
C Maieron, MC Martinez, JA Caballero, JM Udias
Physical Review C 68 (4), 048501, 2003
Analysis of factorization in (e, e′ p) reactions: A survey of the relativistic plane wave impulse approximation
JA Caballero, TW Donnelly, EM de Guerra, JM Udias
Nuclear Physics A 632 (3), 323-362, 1998
Superscaling in charged current neutrino quasielastic scattering in the relativistic impulse approximation
JA Caballero, JE Amaro, MB Barbaro, TW Donnelly, C Maieron, JM Udias
Physical review letters 95 (25), 252502, 2005
The electron–ion scattering experiment ELISe at the International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)—A conceptual design study
AN Antonov, MK Gaidarov, MV Ivanov, DN Kadrev, M Aïche, G Barreau, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
arXiv : Measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters from the T2K experiment using protons on target
K Abe, P Hamacher-Baumann, E Mazzucato, C Densham, RA Owen, ...
Inclusive electron scattering within the SuSAv2 meson-exchange current approach
GD Megias, JE Amaro, MB Barbaro, JA Caballero, TW Donnelly
Physical Review D 94 (1), 013012, 2016
Meson-exchange currents and quasielastic predictions for charged-current neutrino- scattering in the superscaling approach
GD Megias, TW Donnelly, O Moreno, CF Williamson, JA Caballero, ...
Physical Review D 91 (7), 073004, 2015
Relativistic model of 2p-2h meson exchange currents in (anti) neutrino scattering
IR Simo, JE Amaro, MB Barbaro, A De Pace, JA Caballero, TW Donnelly
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 44 (6), 065105, 2017
Gauge and Lorentz invariant one-pion exchange currents in electron scattering from a relativistic Fermi gas
JE Amaro, MB Barbaro, JA Caballero, TW Donnelly, A Molinari
Physics reports 368 (4), 317-407, 2002
Meson-exchange currents and quasielastic antineutrino cross sections in the SuperScaling Approximation
JE Amaro, MB Barbaro, JA Caballero, TW Donnelly
Physical review letters 108 (15), 152501, 2012
Relativistic analyses of quasielastic neutrino cross sections at MiniBooNE kinematics
JE Amaro, MB Barbaro, JA Caballero, TW Donnelly, JM Udias
Physical Review D 84 (3), 033004, 2011
Relativistic mean field approximation to the analysis of data at
JM Udías, JA Caballero, EM De Guerra, JR Vignote, A Escuderos
Physical Review C 64 (2), 024614, 2001
Inelastic ν and ν scattering on nuclei and “strangeness” of the nucleon
WM Alberico, MB Barbaro, SM Bilenky, JA Caballero, C Giunti, C Maieron, ...
Nuclear Physics A 623 (3-4), 471-497, 1997
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Articles 1–20