Felipe Garcia Sanchez
Felipe Garcia Sanchez
Associate Professor, Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena (UPCT)
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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Wireless sensor network deployment for integrating video-surveillance and data-monitoring in precision agriculture over distributed crops
AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, J Garcia-Haro
Computers and electronics in agriculture 75 (2), 288-303, 2011
Tracking of returnable packaging and transport units with active RFID in the grocery supply chain
AS Martínez-Sala, E Egea-López, F García-Sánchez, J Garcia-Haro
Computers in Industry 60 (3), 161-171, 2009
Wireless sensor network deployment for monitoring wildlife passages
AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, F Losilla, P Kulakowski, ...
Sensors 10 (8), 7236-7262, 2010
A comprehensive approach to WSN-based ITS applications: A survey
F Losilla, AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, J Garcia-Haro, ZJ Haas
Sensors 11 (11), 10220-10265, 2011
Design and validation of a wireless sensor network architecture for precision horticulture applications
JA López, AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Soto, A Iborra, F Garcia-Sanchez, ...
Precision agriculture 12, 280-295, 2011
A survey on non-linear optimization problems in wireless sensor networks
R Asorey-Cacheda, AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F García-Sánchez, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 82, 1-20, 2017
On maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks by optimally assigning energy supplies
R Asorey-Cacheda, AJ García-Sánchez, F García-Sánchez, ...
Sensors 13 (8), 10219-10244, 2013
Conceptual design of a nano-networking device
S Canovas-Carrasco, AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, ...
Sensors 16 (12), 2104, 2016
Current trends in wireless mesh sensor networks: A review of competing approaches
D Rodenas-Herraiz, AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, ...
Sensors 13 (5), 5958-5995, 2013
A comprehensive WSN-based approach to efficiently manage a smart grid
R Martinez-Sandoval, AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, ...
Sensors 14 (10), 18748-18783, 2014
A cross-layer solution for enabling real-time video transmission over IEEE 802.15. 4 networks
AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, J Garcia-Haro, F Losilla
Multimedia Tools and Applications 51, 1069-1104, 2011
Evaluating the more suitable ISM frequency band for IoT-based smart grids: A quantitative study of 915 MHz vs. 2400 MHz
RM Sandoval, AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, J Garcia-Haro
Sensors 17 (1), 76, 2016
Radio-channel characterization of smart grid substations in the 2.4-GHz ISM band
RM Sandoval, AJ Garcia-Sanchez, JM Molina-Garcia-Pardo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (2), 1294-1307, 2016
On the role of wireless sensor networks in intelligent transportation systems
F Losilla, AJ García-Sánchez, F García-Sánchez, J García-Haro
2012 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2012
Feasibility study of MPEG-4 transmission on IEEE 802.15. 4 networks
AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, J Garcia-Haro
2008 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2008
On the feasibility of wireless multimedia sensor networks over IEEE 802.15. 5 mesh topologies
AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Losilla, D Rodenas-Herraiz, F Cruz-Martinez, ...
Sensors 16 (5), 643, 2016
On the improvement of wireless mesh sensor network performance under hidden terminal problems
D Rodenas-Herraiz, AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 45, 95-113, 2015
Calidad y registros en trauma
FIP Sánchez, MAB Sanz, LC Lorenzana, FG López, GT de Trauma, ...
Medicina Intensiva 39 (2), 114-123, 2015
On the synchronization of IEEE 802.15. 5 wireless mesh sensor networks: Shortcomings and improvements
AJ Garcia-Sanchez, F Garcia-Sanchez, D Rodenas-Herraiz, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 1-23, 2012
How to manage smoke evacuation and filter pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopy to minimize potential viral spread: different methods from SoMe‐a video vignette.
F Pata, A García‐Granero, G Pellino, I Pascual‐Miguelañez, ...
Colorectal Disease 22 (6), 2020
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Articles 1–20