Internal capabilities, external networks, and performance: a study on technology‐based ventures C Lee, K Lee, JM Pennings Strategic management journal 22 (6‐7), 615-640, 2001 | 3477 | 2001 |
Foreign entry, cultural barriers, and learning HG Barkema, JHJ Bell, JM Pennings Strategic management journal 17 (2), 151-166, 1996 | 3059 | 1996 |
A strategic contingencies' theory of intraorganizational power DJ Hickson, CR Hinings, CA Lee, RE Schneck, JM Pennings Administrative science quarterly, 216-229, 1971 | 2892 | 1971 |
Human capital, social capital, and firm dissolution JM Pennings, K Lee, AV Witteloostuijn Academy of management Journal 41 (4), 425-440, 1998 | 1585 | 1998 |
Structural conditions of intraorganizational power CR Hinings, DJ Hickson, JM Pennings, RE Schneck Administrative science quarterly, 22-44, 1974 | 975 | 1974 |
The relevance of the structural-contingency model for organizational effectiveness JM Pennings Administrative Science Quarterly, 393-410, 1975 | 760 | 1975 |
Interlocking directorates: Origins and consequences of connections among organizations' Board of Directors JM Pennings Jossey-Bass, 1980 | 742 | 1980 |
Organizational learning and diversification JM Pennings, H Barkema, S Douma Academy of Management journal 37 (3), 608-640, 1994 | 672 | 1994 |
The diffusion of technological innovation in the commercial banking industry JM Pennings, F Harianto Strategic management journal 13 (1), 29-46, 1992 | 547 | 1992 |
New perspectives on organizational effectiveness PS Goodman, JM Pennings Jossey-Bass, 1977 | 546 | 1977 |
Structural contingency theory: A re-appraisal JM Pennings Research in organization behavior, XIV, 267-309, 1992 | 470 | 1992 |
Strategically interdependent organizations JM Pennings Handbook of organizational design 1, 433-455, 1981 | 463 | 1981 |
Toward a workable framework JM Pennings, PS Goodman New perspectives on organizational effectiveness, XVII, 275, 1977 | 461 | 1977 |
Technological networking and innovation implementation JM Pennings, F Harianto Organization Science 3 (3), 356-382, 1992 | 417 | 1992 |
Measures of organizational structure: A methodological note J Pennings American Journal of Sociology 79 (3), 686-704, 1973 | 392 | 1973 |
Mimicry and the market: Adoption of a new organizational form K Lee, JM Pennings Academy of Management Journal 45 (1), 144-162, 2002 | 359 | 2002 |
Competitive implications of interfirm mobility FC Wezel, G Cattani, JM Pennings Organization Science 17 (6), 691-709, 2006 | 338 | 2006 |
Organizational birth frequencies: An empirical investigation JM Pennings Administrative Science Quarterly, 120-144, 1982 | 280 | 1982 |
A typology of organizational control and its metaphors JM Pennings, J Woiceshyn Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 73-104, 1989 | 234 | 1989 |
The urban quality of life and entrepreneurship JM Pennings Academy of Management Journal 25 (1), 63-79, 1982 | 212 | 1982 |