Pere Colet
Pere Colet
Instituto de Fisica Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos, IFISC (CSIC-UIB)
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Cited by
Chaos-based communications at high bit rates using commercial fibre-optic links
A Argyris, D Syvridis, L Larger, V Annovazzi-Lodi, P Colet, I Fischer, ...
Nature 438 (7066), 343-346, 2005
Synchronization transitions in a disordered Josephson series array
K Wiesenfeld, P Colet, SH Strogatz
Physical review letters 76 (3), 404, 1996
Synchronization of chaotic semiconductor lasers: Application to encoded communications
CR Mirasso, P Colet, P García-Fernández
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 8 (2), 299-301, 1996
Frequency locking in Josephson arrays: Connection with the Kuramoto model
K Wiesenfeld, P Colet, SH Strogatz
Physical Review E 57 (2), 1563, 1998
Digital communication with synchronized chaotic lasers
P Colet, R Roy
Optics letters 19 (24), 2056-2058, 1994
Coherence and phase dynamics of spatially coupled solid-state lasers
L Fabiny, P Colet, R Roy, D Lenstra
Physical Review A 47 (5), 4287, 1993
Analysis and characterization of the hyperchaos generated by a semiconductor laser subject to a delayed feedback loop
R Vicente, J Daudén, P Colet, R Toral
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 41 (4), 541-548, 2005
Chaotic breathers in delayed electro-optical systems
Y Chembo Kouomou, P Colet, L Larger, N Gastaud
Physical review letters 95 (20), 203903, 2005
Stochastic numerical methods: an introduction for students and scientists
R Toral, P Colet
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
ON/OFF phase shift keying for chaos-encrypted communication using external-cavity semiconductor lasers
T Heil, J Mulet, I Fischer, CR Mirasso, M Peil, P Colet, W Elsasser
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38 (9), 1162-1170, 2002
Encoded Gbit/s digital communications with synchronized chaotic semiconductor lasers
A Sanchez-Diaz, CR Mirasso, P Colet, P Garcia-Fernandez
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 35 (3), 292-297, 1999
Quantum correlations and mutual synchronization
GL Giorgi, F Galve, G Manzano, P Colet, R Zambrini
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (5), 052101, 2012
Digital key for chaos communication performing time delay concealment
RM Nguimdo, P Colet, L Larger, L Pesquera
Physical review letters 107 (3), 034103, 2011
Path-integral formulation for stochastic processes driven by colored noise
HS Wio, P Colet, M San Miguel, L Pesquera, MA Rodriguez
Physical Review A 40 (12), 7312, 1989
Dynamic instabilities of microwaves generated with optoelectronic oscillators
Y Kouomou Chembo, L Larger, H Tavernier, R Bendoula, E Rubiola, ...
Optics letters 32 (17), 2571-2573, 2007
Noise-sustained convective structures in nonlinear optics
M Santagiustina, P Colet, M San Miguel, D Walgraef
Physical review letters 79 (19), 3633, 1997
Dynamical properties of two-dimensional Kerr cavity solitons
WJ Firth, GK Harkness, A Lord, JM McSloy, D Gomila, P Colet
JOSA B 19 (4), 747-752, 2002
Nonlinear dynamics and spectral stability of optoelectronic microwave oscillators
YK Chembo, L Larger, P Colet
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 44 (9), 858-866, 2008
Theory of collective firing induced by noise or diversity in excitable media
CJ Tessone, A Scire, R Toral, P Colet
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (1 …, 2007
Modeling of optical synchronization of chaotic external-cavity VCSELs
PS Spencer, CR Mirasso, P Colet, KA Shore
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 34 (9), 1673-1679, 1998
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Articles 1–20