Elisenda Rentería
Elisenda Rentería
Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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Citada per
Is low fertility really a problem? Population aging, dependency, and consumption
R Lee, A Mason, NTA network, R Lee, A Mason, E Amporfu, CB An, ...
Science 346 (6206), 229-234, 2014
Convergence of decreasing male and increasing female incidence rates in major tobacco-related cancers in Europe in 1988–2010
J Lortet-Tieulent, E Renteria, L Sharp, E Weiderpass, H Comber, P Baas, ...
European Journal of Cancer 51 (9), 1144-1163, 2015
Longevity and lifespan variation by educational attainment in Spain: 1960–2015
I Permanyer, J Spijker, A Blanes, E Renteria
Demography 55 (6), 2045-2070, 2018
The impact of cigarette smoking on life expectancy between 1980 and 2010: a global perspective
E Rentería, P Jha, D Forman, I Soerjomataram
Tobacco control 25 (5), 551-557, 2016
The effect of education on the demographic dividend
E Rentería, G Souto, I Mejía‐Guevara, C Patxot
Population and Development Review 42 (4), 651-671, 2016
Trends in disease-free life expectancy at age 65 in Spain: Diverging patterns by sex, region and disease
P Zueras, E Rentería
PloS one 15 (11), e0240923, 2020
Análise dos determinantes da participação no mercado de trabalho dos idosos em São Paulo
ER Pérez, S Wajnman, AMHC Oliveira
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População 23, 269-286, 2006
Inequalities in cancer incidence and mortality across medium to highly developed countries in the twenty-first century
M Arnold, E Rentería, DI Conway, F Bray, T Van Ourti, I Soerjomataram
Cancer Causes & Control 27, 999-1007, 2016
Intergenerational money and time transfers by gender in Spain: Who are the actual dependents?
E Rentería, R Scandurra, G Souto, C Patxot
Demographic Research 34, 689-704, 2016
The opportunities we cannot forgot: economic consequences of population changes in Brazil
B Queiroz, C Turra, E Perez
Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais 15, 2006
Work in transition: labour market life expectancy and years spent in precarious employment in Spain 1986–2016
M Lozano, E Rentería
Social Indicators Research 145 (1), 185-200, 2019
Measuring the balance of government intervention on forward and backward family transfers using NTA estimates: the modified Lee arrows
C Patxot, E Rentería, MS Romero, G Souto
International Tax and Public Finance 19, 442-461, 2012
Integrated results for GA and NTA for Spain: some implications for the sustainability of welfare state
C Patxot, E Rentería, M Sánchez-Romero, G Souto
Moneda y Crédito 231, 7-51, 2011
Abuelos y nietos,¿ una convivencia beneficiosa para los más jóvenes? El caso de Brasil y Perú
E Rentería Pérez, C Maldonado Turra, B Lanza Queiroz
Papeles de población 13 (52), 47-75, 2007
10. How intergenerational transfers finance the lifecycle deficit in Spain
C Patxot, E Rentería, M Sánchez-Romero, G Souto
Population Aging and the Generational Economy, 241, 2011
The effect of changes in educational composition on adult female mortality in Brazil
CM Turra, E Renteria, R Guimarães
Research on Aging 38 (3), 283-298, 2016
On the effects of public and private transfers on capital accumulation: some lessons from the NTA aggregates
M Sánchez-Romero, C Patxot, E Rentería, G Souto
Journal of Population Economics 26 (4), 1409-1430, 2013
La esperanza de vida libre de enfermedad no aumenta en España
P Zueras, E Rentería
Perspectives Demogràfiques 22, 1-4, 2021
Intergenerational transfers in Spain: the role of education
G Abío, C Patxot, E Rentería, G Souto Nieves
Hacienda Pública Española, 2017, vol. 223, num. 4, p. 101-130, 2017
taxas de participação (formal e informal) feminina no mercado de trabalho das regiões Sudeste e Nordeste: uma análise a partir das PNAD's, 1992-2002
ME Gonçalves, ER Perez, S Wajnman
XIV Encontro nacional de Estudos Populacionais-ABEP. Anais... Caxambú-MG …, 2004
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20