Rajkumar Buyya
Rajkumar Buyya
School of Computing and Information Systems, The Uni of Melbourne; Fellow of IEEE & Academia Europea
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Cited by
Internet of Things (IoT): A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions
J Gubbi, R Buyya, S Marusic, M Palaniswami
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (7), 1645-1660, 2013
Cloud Computing and Emerging IT Platforms: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering Computing as the 5th Utility
R Buyya, CS Yeo, S Venugopal, J Broberg, I Brandic
Future Generation Computer Systems 25 (6), 599-616, 2009
CloudSim: A Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation of Cloud Computing Environments and Evaluation of Resource Provisioning Algorithms
RN Calheiros, R Ranjan, A Beloglazov, CAF De Rose, R Buyya
Software: Practice and Experience 41 (1), 23-50, 2011
Energy-aware Resource Allocation Heuristics for Efficient Management of Data Centers for Cloud Computing
A Beloglazov, J Abawajy, R Buyya
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (5), 755-768, 2012
Market-oriented Cloud Computing: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities
R Buyya, CS Yeo, S Venugopal
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance …, 2008
Optimal online deterministic algorithms and adaptive heuristics for energy and performance efficient dynamic consolidation of virtual machines in cloud data centers
A Beloglazov, R Buyya
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 24 (13), 1397-1420, 2012
GridSim: A Toolkit for the Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling for Grid Computing
R Buyya, M Murshed
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14 (13‐15), 1175-1220, 2002
Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms
Wiley Press, New York, USA, 2011
iFogSim: A toolkit for modeling and simulation of resource management techniques in the Internet of Things, Edge and Fog computing environments
H Gupta, A Vahid Dastjerdi, SK Ghosh, R Buyya
Software: Practice and Experience 47 (9), 1275-1296, 2017
High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems
R Buyya
Prentice Hall, Upper SaddleRiver, NJ, USA, 1999
Modeling and simulation of scalable Cloud computing environments and the CloudSim toolkit: Challenges and opportunities
R Buyya, R Ranjan, RN Calheiros
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on High Performance …, 2009
Intercloud: Utility-oriented federation of cloud computing environments for scaling of application services
R Buyya, R Ranjan, RN Calheiros
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Algorithms and …, 2010
A taxonomy and survey of grid resource management systems for distributed computing
K Krauter, R Buyya, M Maheswaran
Software: Practice and Experience 32 (2), 135-164, 2002
Nimrod/G: An architecture for a resource management and scheduling system in a global computational grid
R Buyya, D Abramson, J Giddy
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on High Performance …, 2000
Economic models for resource management and scheduling in grid computing
R Buyya, D Abramson, J Giddy, H Stockinger
Concurrency and computation: practice and experience 14 (13‐15), 1507-1542, 2002
Fog Computing: Helping the Internet of Things Realize Its Potential
AV Dastjerdi, R Buyya
Computer 49 (8), 112-116, 2016
Big Data computing and clouds: Trends and future directions
MD Assunção, RN Calheiros, S Bianchi, MAS Netto, R Buyya
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 79, 3-15, 2015
A particle swarm optimization-based heuristic for scheduling workflow applications in cloud computing environments
S Pandey, L Wu, SM Guru, R Buyya
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced …, 2010
A taxonomy of workflow management systems for grid computing
J Yu, R Buyya
Journal of Grid Computing 3, 171-200, 2005
A Framework for Ranking of Cloud Computing Services
SK Garg, S Versteeg, R Buyya
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (4), 1012-1023, 2013
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Articles 1–20