Jorge Sales
Cited by
Cited by
CompaRob: The shopping cart assistance robot
J Sales, JV Martí, R Marín, E Cervera, PJ Sanz
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 12 (2), 4781280, 2016
Multi-sensor person following in low-visibility scenarios
J Sales, R Marin, E Cervera, S Rodríguez, J Pérez
Sensors 10 (12), 10953-10966, 2010
Grasper: A multisensory based manipulation system for underwater operations
PJ Sanz, A Penalver, J Sales, D Fornas, JJ Fernández, J Pérez, ...
2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 4036-4041, 2013
Remote programming of network robots within the UJI industrial robotics telelaboratory: FPGA vision and SNRP network protocol
R Marin, G León, R Wirz, J Sales, JM Claver, PJ Sanz, J Fernández
Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 56 (12), 4806-4816, 2009
Localization of mobile sensors and actuators for intervention in low-visibility conditions: the ZigBee fingerprinting approach
JV Marti, J Sales, R Marin, E Jimenez-Ruiz
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 8 (8), 951213, 2012
Visually-guided manipulation techniques for robotic autonomous underwater panel interventions
A Peñalver, J Pérez, JJ Fernández, J Sales, PJ Sanz, JC García, D Fornas, ...
Annual Reviews in Control 40, 201-211, 2015
Desarrollo de un robot móvil compacto integrado en el middleware ROS
A Araújo, D Portugal, MS Couceiro, J Sales, RP Rocha
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e informática industrial 11 (3), 315-326, 2014
An experiment on squad navigation of human and robots
L Nomdedeu, J Sales, E Cervera, J Alemany, R Sebastia, J Penders, ...
2008 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2008
The Underwater Simulator UWSim - Benchmarking capabilities on Autonomous Grasping
J Pérez, J Sales, M Prats, JV Martí, D Fornas, R Marín, PJ Sanz
10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and …, 2013
Progressive image compression and transmission with region of interest in underwater robotics
EM Rubino, D Centelles, J Sales, JV Marti, R Marin, PJ Sanz, AJ Alvares
OCEANS 2017-Aberdeen, 1-9, 2017
Utilización de la teoría de Kubelka-Munk para optimizar el reciclado de residuos crudos de gres porcelánico
S Mestre, E Sánchez, J García, J Sánchez, C Soler, J Portoles, J Sales
Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram. Vidr 41 (1), 429-435, 2002
Recent advances in underwater robotics for intervention missions. Sóller harbour experiments.
PJ Sanz, R Marín, J Sales, G Oliver, P Ridao
Low Cost Books, 2012
Exploring 3-d reconstruction techniques: A benchmarking tool for underwater robotics
J Perez, J Sales, A Penalver, D Fornas, JJ Fernandez, JC Garcia, PJ Sanz, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 22 (3), 85-95, 2015
Remote Control within the UJI Robotics Manufacturing Cell using FPGA-based vision
R Marin, G Leon, R Wirz, J Sales, JM Claver, PJ Sanz
ECC'2007 European Control Conference, 1378--1383, 2007
Underwater radio frequency image sensor using progressive image compression and region of interest
EM Rubino, D Centelles, J Sales, JV Marti, R Marin, PJ Sanz, AJ Alvares
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 39 …, 2017
Autonomous Intervention on an Underwater Panel mockup by using Visually-Guided Manipulation Techniques
A Peñalver, J Pérez, JJ Fernández, J Sales, PJ Sanz, JC García, D Fornas, ...
19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control …, 2014
Benchmarking using UWSim, Simurv and ROS: an autonomous free floating dredging intervention case study
JJ Fernández, J Pérez, A Peñalver, J Sales, D Fornas, PJ Sanz
OCEANS 2015-Genova, 1-7, 2015
Multipurpose underwater manipulation for archaeological intervention
PJ Sanz, A Peñalver, J Sales, JJ Fernández, J Pérez, D Fomas, JC García
Instrumentation Viewpoint, 50-51, 2015
Multi-sensor localization and navigation for remote manipulation in smoky areas
JV Marti, J Sales, R Marin, P Sanz
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10 (4), 211, 2013
Wireless HROV control with compressed visual feedback over an acoustic link
D Centelles, E Moscoso, G Vallicrosa, N Palomeras, J Sales, JV Martí, ...
OCEANS 2017-Aberdeen, 1-7, 2017
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Articles 1–20