Francisco Javier López Rodríguez
Francisco Javier López Rodríguez
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Alginate and gellan-based edible coatings as carriers of antibrowning agents applied on fresh-cut Fuji apples
MA Rojas-Graü, MS Tapia, FJ Rodríguez, AJ Carmona, O Martin-Belloso
Food Hydrocolloids 21 (1), 118-127, 2007
Use of alginate-and gellan-based coatings for improving barrier, texture and nutritional properties of fresh-cut papaya
MS Tapia, MA Rojas-Graü, A Carmona, FJ Rodríguez, R Soliva-Fortuny, ...
Food Hydrocolloids 22 (8), 1493-1503, 2008
Alginate‐and gellan‐based edible films for probiotic coatings on fresh‐cut fruits
MS Tapia, MA Rojas‐Graü, FJ Rodríguez, J Ramírez, A Carmona, ...
Journal of food science 72 (4), E190-E196, 2007
Effect of anti-inflammatory drugs on COX-1 and COX− 2 activity in human articular chondrocytes
JB Francisco, R Guitian, J Moreno, J Francisco, F Galdo
J. Rheumatol 26, 1366-1373, 1999
Study of the chemical and physical influences upon in vitro peptide-mediated silica formation
F Rodríguez, DD Glawe, RR Naik, KP Hallinan, MO Stone
Biomacromolecules 5 (2), 261-265, 2004
Contaminación ambiental
C Orozco, A Perez, MN González, F Rodríguez, J Alfayate
Una visión desde la química 1, 2005
Controlled formation of biosilica structures in vitro
RR Naik, PW Whitlock, F Rodriguez, LL Brott, DD Glawe, SJ Clarson, ...
Chemical Communications, 238-239, 2003
Screening, plant growth promotion and root colonization pattern of two rhizobacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens Ps006 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Bs006) on banana cv. Williams …
R Gamez, M Cardinale, M Montes, S Ramirez, S Schnell, F Rodriguez
Microbiological research 220, 12-20, 2019
Study of the validity of Goldberg's 60-item GHQ in its Spanish version
PE Muñoz, JL Vázquez, E Pastrana, F Rodríguez, C Oneca
Social Psychiatry 13, 99-104, 1978
Adaptación española del General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) de DP Goldberg
PE Muñoz, JL Vázquez-Barquero, F Rodríguez, E Pastrana, J Varo
Archivos de neurobiologiá 42 (2), 139-158, 1979
Involvement of three meningococcal surface‐exposed proteins, the heparin‐binding protein NhbA, the α‐peptide of IgA protease and the autotransporter protease NalP, in …
J Arenas, R Nijland, FJ Rodriguez, TNP Bosma, J Tommassen
Molecular microbiology 87 (2), 254-268, 2013
S Domínguez, J Francisco
Santiago: Editorial Universitaria,, 1959
Hibridaciones de la hipertelevisión: información y entretenimiento en los modelos de infoentertaiment
I Gordillo, V Guarinos, A Checa, MMR Alvarado, J Jiménez-Varea, ...
COMUNICACIÓN. Revista Internacional de Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad …, 2011
Polypeptide-mediated silica growth on indium tin oxide surfaces
DD Glawe, F Rodríguez, MO Stone, RR Naik
Langmuir 21 (2), 717-720, 2005
Contaminación ambiental: una visión desde la química
M González, C Orozco, A Pérez, J Alfayate, F Rodriguez
Madrid, Paraninfo, 2011
Ursodeoxycholic acid in the treatment of AIDS-associated cholangiopathy.
A Castiella, JA Iribarren, P Lopez, J Arrizabalaga, F Rodríguez, ...
The American journal of medicine 103 (2), 170-171, 1997
Controlled release of phenytoin for epilepsy treatment from titania and silica based materials
T López, E Ortiz, D Meza, E Basaldella, X Bokhimi, C Magaña, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 126 (3), 922-929, 2011
Oscillation and chaos in pitting corrosion of steel
E García, MA Hernández, FJ Rodríguez, J Genescá, FJ Boerio
Corrosion 59 (1), 50-58, 2003
Bio-inspired approaches and biologically derived materials for coatings
RR Naik, LL Brott, F Rodriguez, G Agarwal, SM Kirkpatrick, MO Stone
Progress in Organic Coatings 47 (3-4), 249-255, 2003
Influencia del entorno familiar en el desarrollo del sobrepeso y obesidad infantil en Valverde de Leganés
S Rico, FJ Rodríguez, GG Fernández, JF Calderón, MM Álvarez
European Journal of Child Development, Education and Psychopathology 4 (1 …, 2016
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