Angel M. Pastor
Angel M. Pastor
Full professor of Physiology, Universidad de Sevilla
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Eye position and eye velocity integrators reside in separate brainstem nuclei.
AM Pastor, RR De la Cruz, R Baker
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91 (2), 807-811, 1994
Neural stem cells of the subventricular zone as the origin of human glioblastoma stem cells. Therapeutic implications
ER Matarredona, AM Pastor
Frontiers in oncology 9, 779, 2019
Complementary actions of BDNF and neurotrophin-3 on the firing patterns and synaptic composition of motoneurons
MADL de Carrizosa, CJ Morado-Díaz, JJ Tena, B Benítez-Temiño, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (2), 575-587, 2009
Cerebellar role in adaptation of the goldfish vestibuloocular reflex
AM Pastor, RR de la Cruz, R Baker
Journal of Neurophysiology 72 (3), 1383-1394, 1994
Extracellular vesicle-mediated communication between the glioblastoma and its microenvironment
ER Matarredona, AM Pastor
Cells 9 (1), 96, 2019
Discharge characteristics of medial rectus and abducens motoneurons in the goldfish
AM Pastor, B Torres, JM Delgado-Garcia, R Baker
Journal of Neurophysiology 66 (6), 2125-2140, 1991
Nerve growth factor regulates the firing patterns and synaptic composition of motoneurons
MADL de Carrizosa, CJ Morado-Díaz, S Morcuende, RR de la Cruz, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (24), 8308-8319, 2010
Characterization and adaptive modification of the goldfish vestibuloocular reflex by sinusoidal and velocity step vestibular stimulation
AM Pastor, RR de la Cruz, R Baker
Journal of neurophysiology 68 (6), 2003-2015, 1992
Effects of botulinum neurotoxin type A on abducens motoneurons in the cat: ultrastructural and synaptic alterations
AM Pastor, B Moreno-López, RR De La Cruz, JM Delgado-Garcıa
Neuroscience 81 (2), 457-478, 1997
Neuroprotective effects of NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and GDNF on axotomized extraocular motoneurons in neonatal rats
S Morcuende, R Muñoz-Hernández, B Benítez-Temiño, AM Pastor, ...
Neuroscience 250, 31-48, 2013
Interactions between neural progenitor cells and microglia in the subventricular zone: physiological implications in the neurogenic niche and after implantation in the injured …
ER Matarredona, R Talaverón, AM Pastor
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 12, 268, 2018
The new visual neurosciences
JS Werner, LM Chalupa
Mit Press, 2013
Axons giving rise to the palisade endings of feline extraocular muscles display motor features
L Zimmermann, CJ Morado-Díaz, MADL de Carrizosa, RR de la Cruz, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (7), 2784-2793, 2013
Localization of parvalbumin, calretinin, and calbindin D‐28k in identified extraocular motoneurons and internuclear neurons of the cat
RR De La Cruz, ÁM Pastor, FJ Martínez‐Guijarro, C López‐García, ...
Journal of Comparative Neurology 390 (3), 377-391, 1998
Limits to the capacity of transplants of olfactory glia to promote axonal regrowth in the CNS
G Gudiño-Cabrera, AM Pastor, RR de la Cruz, JM Delgado-García, ...
Neuroreport 11 (3), 467-471, 2000
The use of PRV-Bartha to define premotor inputs to lumbar motoneurons in the neonatal spinal cord of the mouse
K Jovanovic, AM Pastor, MJ O'Donovan
PLoS One 5 (7), e11743, 2010
Role of GABA in the extraocular motor nuclei of the cat: a postembedding immunocytochemical study
RR De la Cruz, AM Pastor, FJ Martínez-Guijarro, C López-García, ...
Neuroscience 51 (4), 911-929, 1992
Afferents to the oculomotor nucleus in the goldfish (Carassius auratus) as revealed by retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase
B Torres, AM Pastor, B Cabrera, C Salas, JM Delgado‐García
Journal of Comparative Neurology 324 (3), 449-461, 1992
Hepatocellular carcinoma: can it be considered a controversial indication for liver transplantation in centers with high rates of hepatitis C?
A Moya, M Berenguer, V Aguilera, F San Juan, D Nicolás, M Pastor, ...
Liver Transplantation 8 (11), 1020-1027, 2002
Dose-dependent, central effects of botulinum neurotoxin type A: a pilot study in the alert behaving cat
B Moreno-Lopez, AM Pastor, RR De La Cruz, JM Delgado-Garcia
Neurology 48 (2), 456-464, 1997
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Articles 1–20