Ying Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Transfer and universality: Collocation use in advanced Chinese and Swedish learner English
Y Wang, P Shaw
ICAME journal 32, 201-232, 2008
The idiom principle and L1 influence: a contrastive learner-corpus study of delexical verb+ noun collocations
Y Wang
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016
Lexical bundles in spoken academic ELF: Genre and disciplinary variation
Y Wang
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 22 (2), 187-211, 2017
As Hill seems to suggest: Variability in formulaic sequences with interpersonal functions in L1 novice and expert academic writing
Y Wang
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 33, 12-23, 2018
试论《 黑暗的心》 中黑与白的象征意义
姚兰, 王颖
外国文学研究, 38-41, 2003
Linguistic differences between well‐established and predatory journals: a keyword analysis of two journals in political science
J Soler, Y Wang
Learned Publishing 32 (3), 259-269, 2019
A functional analysis of text-oriented formulaic expressions in written academic discourse: Multiword sequences vs. single words
Y Wang
English for Specific Purposes 54, 50-61, 2019
Investigating predatory publishing in political science: a corpus linguistics approach
Y Wang, J Soler
Applied Corpus Linguistics 1 (1), 100001, 2021
Formulaic sequences signalling discourse organisation in ELF academic lectures: a disciplinary perspective
Y Wang
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 7 (2), 355-376, 2018
Delexical verb+ noun collocations in Swedish and Chinese learner English
Y Wang
Department of English, 2013
Lexical bundles in news discourse 1784–1983
Y Wang
Diachronic Developments in English News Discourse, 97-116, 2017
A corpus-based study of composite predicates in Early Modern English dialogues
Y Wang
Journal of Historical Pragmatics 20 (1), 20-50, 2019
‘Let's say’: Phraseological patterns of say in academic ELF communication
Y Wang, H Kaatari
Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 101046, 2021
Formulaic sequences with ideational functions in L1 student and expert academic writing in English
Y Wang
Formulaic language, 113, 2021
Interpersonal formulaic sequences in ELF academic lectures: Methodological challenges 1
Y Wang
ELF Research Methods and Approaches to Data and Analyses, 143-157, 2020
Chunyan Wang, Patterns and Meanings of Intensifiers in Chinese Learner English
Y Wang
International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 6 (1), 109-114, 2020
Interpersonal formulaic sequences and cross-disciplinary differences in ELF academic lectures
Y Wang
The 7th Waseda ELF International Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 10-11 November …, 2018
Delexical HAVE/MAKE+ Noun Collocations: A Comparison of Advanced Swedish and Chinese Learner English
Y Wang
of delexical verb+ noun collocations. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016. xii+ 249 pp. ISBN 9789027210746 [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 77 …
Y Wang
Formulaicity across Academic Disciplines: A Function-to-Form Approach
Y Wang
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Articles 1–20