Juan Manuel Vilar
Juan Manuel Vilar
profesor UDC
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Cited by
Forecasting next-day electricity demand and price using nonparametric functional methods
JM Vilar, R Cao, G Aneiros
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 39 (1), 48-55, 2012
Efectos de la intervención en conciencia fonológica y velocidad de denominación sobre el aprendizaje de la escritura
RM González, F Cuetos, J Vilar, E Uceira
Aula abierta 43 (1), 1-8, 2015
Estudio de los predictores de la lectura
RM González Seijas, S López Larrosa, J Vilar Fernández, ...
Universidad de Vigo. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte, 2013
Modelling consumer credit risk via survival analysis
R Cao, JM Vilar, A Devia
SORT: statistics and operations research transactions 33 (1), 0003-30, 2009
Short-term forecast of daily curves of electricity demand and price
G Aneiros, J Vilar, P Raña
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 80, 96-108, 2016
Efectos del entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica y velocidad de denominación sobre la lectura. Un estudio longitudinal
RMG Seijas, FC Vega, SL Larrosa, JV Fernández
Estudios sobre educación 32, 155-177, 2017
Functional prediction for the residual demand in electricity spot markets
G Aneiros, JM Vilar, R Cao, AM San Roque
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (4), 4201-4208, 2013
Non-linear time series clustering based on non-parametric forecast densities
JA Vilar, AM Alonso, JM Vilar
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54 (11), 2850-2865, 2010
Local polynomial regression estimation with correlated errors
M Francisco-Fernández, JM Vilar-Fernández
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 30 (7), 1271-1293, 2001
Functional methods for time series prediction: a nonparametric approach
G Aneiros‐Pérez, R Cao, JM Vilar‐Fernández
Journal of forecasting 30 (4), 377-392, 2011
Foot arch height and quality of life in adults: a strobe observational study
D López-López, JM Vilar-Fernández, G Barros-García, ME Losa-Iglesias, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (7), 1555, 2018
Relationship of depression in participants with nonspecific acute or subacute low back pain and no-pain by age distribution
C Calvo-Lobo, JM Vilar Fernandez, R Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, ...
Journal of Pain Research, 129-135, 2017
Modelos estadísticos aplicados
J Vilar
Universidade da Coruña, España, 2003
Evaluation of depression in subacute low back pain: a case control study
D López-López, JM Vilar, C Calvo-Lobo, ME Losa Iglesias, ...
Pain physician 20 (4), 499-505, 2017
Plug-in bandwidth selector for local polynomial regression estimator with correlated errors
M Francisco-Fernández, J Opsomer, JM Vilar-Fernández
Nonparametric Statistics 16 (1-2), 127-151, 2004
Bootstrap confidence intervals in functional nonparametric regression under dependence
P Rana, G Aneiros, J Vilar, P Vieu
Introducción a la Estadística y sus aplicaciones
R Cao, M Francisco, S Naya, MA Presedo, M Vázquez, JA Vilar, JM Vilar
Pirámide, 2001
Detection of outliers in functional time series
P Raña, G Aneiros, JM Vilar
Environmetrics 26 (3), 178-191, 2015
Prediction intervals for electricity demand and price using functional data
J Vilar, G Aneiros, P Raña
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 96, 457-472, 2018
Safety and effectiveness of cantharidin–podophylotoxin–salicylic acid in the treatment of recalcitrant plantar warts
D López López, JM Vilar Fernandez, ME Losa Iglesias, C Álvarez Castro, ...
Dermatologic Therapy 29 (4), 269-273, 2016
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Articles 1–20