Diego Vallejo-Huanga (ORCID: 0000-0002-2704-3858)
Diego Vallejo-Huanga (ORCID: 0000-0002-2704-3858)
Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
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Cited by
Cited by
Performance evaluation of the Nvidia Jetson Nano through a real-time machine learning application
S Valladares, M Toscano, R Tufiño, P Morillo, D Vallejo-Huanga
Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2021: Proceedings of the 4th …, 2021
Semi-supervised clustering algorithms for grouping scientific articles
D Vallejo-Huanga, P Morillo, C Ferri
Procedia Computer Science 108, 325-334, 2017
Quantitative evaluation of family functions and changes in a postmodern context
C Torres, D Vallejo-Huanga, XR Ocaña
Heliyon 7 (6), 2021
A dataset of attributes from papers of a machine learning conference
D Vallejo-Huanga, P Morillo, C Ferri
Data in brief 24, 103836, 2019
Psycho web: a machine learning platform for the diagnosis and classification of mental disorders
P Morillo, H Ortega, D Chauca, J Proaño, D Vallejo-Huanga, M Cazares
International conference on applied human factors and ergonomics, 399-410, 2019
Clustering de Documentos con Restricciones de Tamaño
D Vallejo
ETSINF - Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016
Empirical exploration of machine learning techniques for detection of anomalies based on NIDS
D Vallejo-Huanga, M Ambuludi, P Morillo
IEEE Latin America Transactions 19 (5), 772-779, 2021
Nondeterministic Finite Automata for Modeling an Ecuadorian Sign Language Interpreter
J Guerra, D Vallejo-Huanga, N Jaramillo, R Macas, D Díaz
Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Software and Systems Engineering …, 2021
Sentiment Analysis Tool for Spanish Tweets in the Ecuadorian Context
I Utitiaj, P Morillo, DV Huanga
Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Conference on Algorithms …, 2020
System of recommendation and automatic correction of web accessibility using artificial intelligence
P Morillo, D Chicaiza-Herrera, D Vallejo-Huanga
Advances in Usability and User Experience: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 …, 2020
Fuzzy Logic Model for Failure Analysis in Electric Power Distribution Systems
D Andrade-Benavides, D Vallejo-Huanga, P Morillo
Procedia Computer Science 204, 497-504, 2022
Fault-tolerant model based on fuzzy control for mobile devices
D Vallejo-Huanga, J Proaño, P Morillo, H Ortega
International Conference on Technology Trends, 488-499, 2018
Estudio y simulación de turbo códigos utilizando el algoritmo MAP y SOVA
DF Vallejo Huanga
FIEE - Escuela Politécnica Nacional, 2011
Virtual rehabilitation platform for left-handed people working in industrial environments
M Chantera, P Morillo, D Vallejo-Huanga
Advances in Usability, User Experience, Wearable and Assistive Technology …, 2020
SimilaCode: Programming Source Code Similarity Detection System Based on NLP
D Vallejo-Huanga, J Morocho, J Salgado
2023 15th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics Winter …, 2023
Home Appliance Demand Forecasting: A Comparative Approach Using Traditional and Machine Learning Algorithms
L Culcay, F Bustillos, D Vallejo-Huanga
Intelligent Systems Conference, 457-473, 2023
Similarity Visualizer Using Natural Language Processing in Academic Documents of the DSpace in Ecuador
D Vallejo-Huanga, J Jaime, C Andrade
International Conference on Information, 343-359, 2023
Smart Technologies, Systems and Applications: 3rd International Conference, SmartTech-IC 2022, Cuenca, Ecuador, November 16–18, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
FR Narváez, F Urgilés, TF Bastos-Filho, JP Salgado-Guerrero
Springer Nature, 2023
Internal search engine and recommender system with natural language processing in PaaS
H Recalde, S Soria, D Vallejo-Huanga
2022 IEEE/ACIS 20th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2022
LAN Network Optimization after a DDoS Attack Detected with Supervised Learning
D Vallejo-Huanga, S Vizcaíno
2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computer Communication and …, 2022
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Articles 1–20