Daniel Linares
Cited by
Cited by
quickpsy: An R package to fit psychometric functions for multiple groups
D Linares, J López-Moliner
The R Journal, 2016, vol. 8, num. 1, p. 122-131, 2016
Decoupling sensory from decisional choice biases in perceptual decision making
D Linares, D Aguilar-Lleyda, J López-Moliner
Elife 8, e43994, 2019
Differences in perceptual latency estimated from judgments of temporal order, simultaneity and duration are inconsistent
D Linares, AO Holcombe
i-Perception 5 (6), 559-571, 2014
Where is the moving object now? Judgments of instantaneous position show poor temporal precision (SD= 70 ms)
D Linares*, AO Holcombe*, AL White
Journal of Vision 9 (13), 9-9, 2009
The flash-lag effect is reduced when the flash is perceived as a sensory consequence of our action
J López-Moliner, D Linares
Vision Research 46 (13), 2122-2129, 2006
Perceptual asynchrony between color and motion with a single direction change
D Linares, J Lopez-Moliner
Journal of Vision 6 (9), 10-10, 2006
Sensory adaptation for timing perception
W Roseboom*, D Linares*, S Nishida
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1805), 20142833, 2015
Temporal frequency of events rather than speed dilates perceived duration of moving objects
D Linares, A Gorea
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8825, 2015
Motion signal and the perceived positions of moving objects
D Linares, J López-Moliner, A Johnston
Journal of Vision 7 (7), 2007
Perceiving spatial relations via attentional tracking and shifting
AO Holcombe, D Linares, M Vaziri-Pashkam
Current Biology 21 (13), 1135-1139, 2011
Effects of dynamic rotation on event-related brain potentials
MI Núñez-Peña, JA Aznar, D Linares, MJ Corral, C Escera
Cognitive brain research 24 (2), 307-316, 2005
Visuomotor timing compensates for changes in perceptual latency
AL White, D Linares, AO Holcombe
Current Biology 18 (20), R951-R953, 2008
Absence of flash-lag when judging global shape from local positions
D Linares, J López-Moliner
Vision research 47 (3), 357-362, 2007
StimuliApp: Psychophysical tests on mobile devices
R Marin-Campos, J Dalmau, A Compte, D Linares
Behavior Research Methods 53 (3), 1301-1307, 2021
Spatial suppression and sensitivity for motion in schizophrenia
D Linares, S Amoretti, R Marin-Campos, A Sousa, L Prades, J Dalmau, ...
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open 1 (1), sgaa045, 2020
Adaptation for multisensory relative timing
D Linares, I Cos, W Roseboom
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 8, 35-41, 2016
Position perception: Influence of motion with displacement dissociated from the influence of motion alone
D Linares, AO Holcombe
Journal of neurophysiology 100 (5), 2472-2476, 2008
Validation of motion perception of briefly displayed images using a tablet
D Linares, R Marin-Campos, J Dalmau, A Compte
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 16056, 2018
Surround facilitation for rapid motion perception
D Linares, I Motoyoshi, S Nishida
Journal of Vision 12 (10), 3-3, 2012
quickpsy: Fits psychometric functions for multiple groups. R package version 0.1. 0
D Linares, J Lopez-Moliner
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Articles 1–20