Alejandro Miguel-Alvaro
Alejandro Miguel-Alvaro
Otros nombresAlejandro de Miguel Álvaro,
Department of Psychology. Faculty of Law. University of Valladolid.
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Guía para el abordaje no presencial de las consecuencias psicológicas del brote epidémico de COVID-19 en la población general
C Larroy, F Estupiña, I Fernández-Arias, G Hervás, C Valiente, M Gómez, ...
Colegio Oficial de la psicología de Madrid, 1-73, 2020
Positive memory intervention techniques: A scoping review
A Miguel-Alvaro, AI Guillén, AA Contractor, M Crespo
Memory 29 (6), 793-810, 2021
Spatial analysis of perceived insecurity in Barcelona: The role of adjacent neighbourhoods and psychosocial factors involved
DJ Maldonado-Guzman, P Saldana-Taboada, A Miguel-Alvaro
Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 31 (1), 63-73, 2021
Does the patient's motive for consultation match the problem perceived by the therapist? A qualitative analysis of the reasons for consultation.
A Miguel-Álvaro, I Fernández-Arias, CL García
Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica 28 (4), 363, 2019
Quality of memories in battered women: Analysis of positive narratives.
A Miguel-Alvaro, V Fernández-Lansac, M Crespo
Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy 16 (4), 637, 2024
Questionable Practices in Validity Studies of Psychological Measurement Tests: Communalities and Unicities of the Replication Crisis in the Field of Psychometrics/Practicas …
D Paniagua, I Sanchez-Iglesias, A Miguel-Alvaro, N Casas-Aragonez, ...
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación-e Avaliação Psicológica …, 2022
¿Existe relación entre la alianza terapéutica y el resultado terapéutico en el tratamiento de la depresión? Análisis y revisión [Is there a relationship between therapeutic …
A Miguel-Alvaro, S Panadero
Clínica Contemporánea 12 (2), Artículo e11, 2021
Daily-level associations between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and reactions to retrieving positive autobiographical memories
AA Contractor, DC Slavish, ML Straup, A Miguel-Alvaro
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 103, 102842, 2024
Effect of adding a positive memories’ module in a trauma-focused cognitive-behavioural treatment for female survivors of intimate partner violence: trial protocol
M Crespo, A Miguel-Alvaro, C Hornillos, S Sánchez-Ferrer, AA Antón
Trials 23 (1), 593, 2022
Lenguaje Causal en Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales [Causal Language in Structural Equation Modeling]
I Sánchez-Iglesias, R Aguayo-Estremera, A Miguel-Alvaro, D Paniagua
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica …, 2022
Do childhood experiences influence associations between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and positive autobiographical memories among military veteran students? An …
A Miguel-Alvaro, BA Messman, NH Weiss, AA Contractor
Memory, 1-12, 2024
Implementation and Effects of the Broad-Minded Affective Coping (BMAC) Technique: a Pilot Study
A Miguel-Alvaro, MM Gómez-Gutiérrez, C Hornillos, ...
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy 16 (2), 266-284, 2023
Estudio exploratorio sobre la percepción de la abogacía acerca del desempeño de los psicólogos forenses en España [Exploratory study on the perception of the legal profession …
A Miguel-Álvaro, D González-Trijueque
Behavior & Law Journal 8 (1), 35-44, 2022
Reescritura de Imágenes para el Tratamiento del Estrés Postraumático: Análisis y Revisión [Imagering Rescripting for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress: Analysis and Review].
A Miguel-Álvaro, M Crespo
Clínica y Salud 30 (3), 137-146, 2019
Manual del programa MEMPOSITIV: Tratamiento centrado en las memorias positivas para el trauma en violencia contra la mujer en la pareja
M Crespo, A Miguel-Álvaro, AA Antón, C Hornillos, S Sánchez-Ferrer
Manual del programa MEMPOSITIV: Tratamiento centrado en las memorias …, 2024
Informe pericial psicológico sobre psicosis e imputabilidad: ¿victimario o víctima? [Psychological expert report on psychosis and imputability: victim or perpetrator?]
A Miguel-Alvaro, DG Trijueque
Revista de Victimología, 61-88, 2021
¿Existe Relación entre el Motivo de Consulta que aportan los Pacientes y el Diagnóstico Clínico? [Is there a relationship between the reason for consultation provided by the …
A Miguel-Álvaro
Psychologia Latina 1 (Volumen Especial), 84-86, 2018
Evocation of positive memories as complement to trauma-focused cognitive–behavioural therapy for intimate partner violence against women
M Crespo, MJ Hernández-Lloreda, C Hornillos, A Miguel-Alvaro, ...
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 15 (1), 2419699, 2024
Sextortion, Nonconsensual Pornography, and Mental Health Outcomes Across the Lifespan: The Moderating Role of Gender, Age, and Sexual Orientation
A Miguel-Alvaro, J Martínez-Bacaicoa, S Wachs, M Gámez-Guadix
Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1-12, 2024
Maladaptive daydreaming and problematic online behaviors: A network analysis approach
M Pezzi, A Zagaria, A Miguel-Alvaro, M Gámez-Guadix, A Gori, G Santoro, ...
Journal of Psychiatric Research 177, 314-320, 2024
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Artículos 1–20