Matheus S Lima-Ribeiro
Matheus S Lima-Ribeiro
Universidade Federal de Jataí
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Biogeography of Neotropical Rainforests: past connections between Amazon and Atlantic Forest detected by ecological niche modeling
T Sobral-Souza, MS Lima-Ribeiro, VN Solferini
Evolutionary Ecology 29 (5), 643-655, 2015
EcoClimate: a database of climate data from multiple models for past, present, and future for macroecologists and biogeographers
MS Lima-Ribeiro, S Varela, J González-Hernández, G de Oliveira, ...
Biodiversity Informatics 10, 2015
Drawbacks to palaeodistribution modelling: the case of South American seasonally dry forests
RG Collevatti, LC Terribile, G de Oliveira, MS Lima‐Ribeiro, JC Nabout, ...
Journal of Biogeography 40 (2), 345-358, 2013
A short guide to the climatic variables of the last glacial maximum for biogeographers
S Varela, MS Lima-Ribeiro, LC Terribile
PloS one 10 (6), e0129037, 2015
A coupled phylogeographical and species distribution modelling approach recovers the demographical history of a N eotropical seasonally dry forest tree species
RG Collevatti, LC Terribile, MS Lima‐Ribeiro, JC Nabout, G de Oliveira, ...
Molecular Ecology 21 (23), 5845-5863, 2012
Areas of climate stability of species ranges in the Brazilian Cerrado: disentangling uncertainties through time
LC Terribile, MS Lima-Ribeiro, MB Araújo, N Bizão, RG Collevatt, ...
brasil, 2012
Efeitos de borda sobre a vegetação e estruturação populacional em fragmentos de Cerradão no Sudoeste Goiano, Brasil
MS Lima-Ribeiro
Acta Botanica Brasilica 22 (2), 535-545, 2008
Evaluating, partitioning, and mapping the spatial autocorrelation component in ecological niche modeling: a new approach based on environmentally equidistant records
G de Oliveira, TF Rangel, MS Lima‐Ribeiro, LC Terribile, JAF Diniz‐Filho
Ecography 37 (7), 637-647, 2014
Bigger kill than chill: The uneven roles of humans and climate on late Quaternary megafaunal extinctions
BBA Araujo, LGR Oliveira-Santos, MS Lima-Ribeiro, JAF Diniz-Filho, ...
Quaternary International 431, 216-222, 2017
Phylogeography and ecological niche modelling, coupled with the fossil pollen record, unravel the demographic history of a Neotropical swamp palm through the Quaternary
NE de Lima, MS Lima‐Ribeiro, CF Tinoco, LC Terribile, RG Collevatti
Journal of Biogeography 41 (4), 673-686, 2014
Stability of Brazilian seasonally dry forests under climate change: inferences for long-term conservation
RG Collevatti, MSL Ribeiro, JAF Diniz Filho, G Oliveira, R Dobrovolski, ...
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Past extinctions of Homo species coincided with increased vulnerability to climatic change
P Raia, A Mondanaro, M Melchionna, M Di Febbraro, JAF Diniz-Filho, ...
One Earth 3 (4), 480-490, 2020
Hindcasting global population densities reveals forces enabling the origin of agriculture
PH Kavanagh, B Vilela, HJ Haynie, T Tuff, M Lima-Ribeiro, RD Gray, ...
Nature human behaviour 2 (7), 478-484, 2018
American megafaunal extinctions and human arrival: improved evaluation using a meta-analytical approach
MS Lima-Ribeiro, JAF Diniz-Filho
Quaternary International 299, 38-52, 2013
Estrutura espacial e diamétrica de espécies arbóreas e seus condicionantes em um fragmento de cerrado sentido restrito no sudoeste goiano
WP Bernasol, MS Lima-Ribeiro
Hoehnea 37 (2), 181-198, 2010
A macroecological approach to evolutionary rescue and adaptation to climate change
JAF Diniz‐Filho, KS Souza, LM Bini, R Loyola, R Dobrovolski, ...
Ecography 42 (6), 1124-1141, 2019
A macroecological approach to evolutionary rescue and adaptation to climate change
JAF Diniz‐Filho, KS Souza, LM Bini, R Loyola, R Dobrovolski, ...
Ecography 42 (6), 1124-1141, 2019
Efficiency of protected areas in Amazon and Atlantic Forest conservation: A spatio-temporal view
T Sobral-Souza, MH Vancine, MC Ribeiro, MS Lima-Ribeiro
Acta Oecologica 87, 1-7, 2018
Pollination mode and mating system explain patterns in genetic differentiation in Neotropical plants
L Ballesteros-Mejia, NE Lima, MS Lima-Ribeiro, RG Collevatti
PLoS One 11 (7), e0158660, 2016
Evaluating the impact of future actions in minimizing vegetation loss from land conversion in the Brazilian Cerrado under climate change
LM Monteiro, FT Brum, RL Pressey, LPC Morellato, B Soares-Filho, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 29 (5), 1701-1722, 2020
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20