Dickson Neoh Tze How
Dickson Neoh Tze How
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State of Charge Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Model-Based and Data-Driven Methods: A Review
DNT How, MA Hannan, MSH Lipu, PJ Ker
IEEE Access 7, 136116 - 136136, 2019
Data-driven state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries: Algorithms, implementation factors, limitations and future trends
MSH Lipu, MA Hannan, A Hussain, A Ayob, MHM Saad, TF Karim, ...
Journal of Cleaner production 277, 124110, 2020
State-of-Charge Estimation of Li-ion Battery in Electric Vehicles: A Deep Neural Network Approach
DNT How, MA Hannan, MSH Lipu, KSM Sahari, PJ Ker, KM Muttaqi
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56 (5), 5565-5574, 2020
SOC estimation of Li-ion batteries with learning rate-optimized deep fully convolutional network
MA Hannan, DNT How, MSH Lipu, PJ Ker, ZY Dong, M Mansur, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (7), 7349-7353, 2020
Deep learning approach towards accurate state of charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries using self-supervised transformer model
MA Hannan, DNT How, MSH Lipu, M Mansor, PJ Ker, ZY Dong, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 19541, 2021
State-of-charge estimation of li-ion battery using gated recurrent unit with one-cycle learning rate policy
MA Hannan, DNT How, MB Mansor, MSH Lipu, PJ Ker, KM Muttaqi
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 57 (3), 2964-2971, 2021
A review on modeling of flexible deformable object for dexterous robotic manipulation
YC Hou, KSM Sahari, DNT How
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 16 (3), 1729881419848894, 2019
Multiple sequence behavior recognition on humanoid robot using long short-term memory (LSTM)
DNT How, KSM Sahari, H Yuhuang, LC Kiong
2014 IEEE international symposium on robotics and manufacturing automation …, 2014
Behavior recognition for humanoid robots using long short-term memory
DNT How, CK Loo, KSM Sahari
International journal of advanced robotic systems 13 (6), 1729881416663369, 2016
SOC estimation using deep bidirectional gated recurrent units with tree parzen estimator hyperparameter optimization
DNT How, MA Hannan, MSH Lipu, PJ Ker, M Mansor, KSM Sahari, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 58 (5), 6629-6638, 2022
State-of-charge estimation of Li-ion battery at variable ambient temperature with gated recurrent unit network
MA Hannan, DNT How, M Mansor, MSH Lipu, PJ Ker, KM Muttaqi
2020 IEEE industry applications society annual meeting, 1-8, 2020
Particle-based perception of garment folding for robotic manipulation purposes
YC Hou, KS Mohamed Sahari, LY Weng, DNT How, H Seki
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 14 (6), 1729881417738727, 2017
Design and development of robotic system for visual inspection of boiler tube inner surface
MFA Jalal, KSM Sahari, MA Aziz, K Yunos, A Anuar, MFA Ghani, ...
Procedia computer science 105, 304-309, 2017
Distracted Driver Detection with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
OG Basubeit, DNT How, YC Hou, KSM Sahari
Character recognition of Malaysian vehicle license plate with deep convolutional neural networks
DNT How, KSM Sahari
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors (IRIS …, 2016
Modular motor driver with torque control for gripping mechanism
DNT How, MZ Baharuddin, SSK Mohideen, KSM Sahari, A Anuar
Procedia Engineering 41, 1476-1482, 2012
A dataglove hardware design and real-time sign gesture interpretation
DNT How, WZFBW Ibrahim, KSM Sahari
2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent …, 2018
Recognizing Malaysia traffic signs with pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks
DNT How, KSM Sahari, YC Hou, OGS Basubeit
2019 4th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (CRC …, 2019
Image acquisition system for boiler header inspection robot
DNT How, KSM Sahari, A Anuar, MZ Baharuddin, MFA Ghani, MA Aziz
The 8th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing …, 2014
Robotic arm control based on human arm motion
DN Tze How, CW Keat, A Anuar, KS Mohamed Sahari
The 8th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing …, 2014
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Articles 1–20