Jordi Nofre
Jordi Nofre
FCT Associate Research Professor, CICS.Nova, NOVA University of Lisbon
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
Citada per
Citada per
Shaken, not stirred: New debates on touristification and the limits of gentrification
J Sequera, J Nofre
City 22 (5-6), 843-855, 2018
Touristification, transnational gentrification and urban change in Lisbon: The neighbourhood of Alfama
J Sequera, J Nofre
Urban Studies 57 (15), 3169-3189, 2020
Tourism, nightlife and planning: challenges and opportunities for community liveability in La Barceloneta
J Nofre, E Giordano, A Eldridge, JC Martins, J Sequera
Tourism Geographies 20 (3), 377-396, 2018
Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation
M Oliva, M Žebre, M Guglielmin, PD Hughes, A Çiner, G Vieira, X Bodin, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 397-436, 2018
# GeneraciónIndignada: topías y utopías del 15M
C Feixa, J Nofre, M Perondi
(No Title), 2013
" Vintage Nightlife": Gentrifying Lisbon downtown
J Nofre
Fennia-International Journal of Geography 191 (2), 106-121, 2013
Exploring nightlife and urban change in Bairro Alto, Lisbon
J Nofre, Í Sánchez–Fuarros, J Carlos Martins, P Pereira, I Soares, ...
City & Community 16 (3), 330-344, 2017
The ‘Pink Street’in Cais do Sodré: Urban change and liminal governance in a nightlife district of Lisbon
J Nofre, JC Martins, D Vaz, R Fina, J Sequera, P Vale
Urban Research & Practice 12 (4), 322-340, 2019
La generación indignada
C Feixa, J Nofre
Topías y utopías del M 15, 2013
Youth Cultures
C Feixa, J Nofre
Sociopedia, Online, 2012
Urban activism and touristification in southern Europe: Barcelona, Madrid and Lisbon
J Sequera, J Nofre
Contemporary Left-Wing Activism Vol 2, 88-105, 2018
Culturas juveniles
C Feixa, J Nofre
Sociopedia. isa, 1-20, 2012
The Erasmus Corner: place-making of a sanitised nightlife spot in the Bairro Alto (Lisbon, Portugal)
D Malet Calvo, J Nofre, M Geraldes
Leisure Studies 36 (6), 778-792, 2017
Mobilidade, Cidade e Turismo: pistas para analisar as transformações em curso no centro histórico de Lisboa
LV Baptista, J Nofre, M do Rosário Jorge
Sociologia: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 14-32, 2018
Exploring nightlife: Space, society and governance
J Nofre, A Eldridge
Rowman & Littlefield, 2018
The touristification of nightlife: some theoretical notes
J Nofre
Urban Geography 42 (10), 1552-1561, 2021
Post‐little ice age paraglacial processes and landforms in the high Iberian mountains: A review
E Serrano, M Oliva, M González‐García, JI López‐Moreno, ...
Land Degradation & Development 29 (11), 4186-4208, 2018
Ocio nocturno, gentrificación y distinción social en el centro histórico de Sarajevo
J Nofre, J Martín
Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 29 (1), 91-110, 2009
Políticas culturales, transformaciones urbanas e higienización social en la Barcelona contemporánea
J Nofre
Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 30 (2), 133-161 …, 2010
The impact of COVID-19 on the short-term rental market in Spain: Towards flexibilization?
J Sequera, J Nofre, I Díaz-Parra, J Gil, I Yrigoy, J Mansilla, S Sánchez
Cities 130, 103912, 2022
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20