sara Latorre
sara Latorre
Escuela Politécnica nacional. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas
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Environmental justice and the SDGs: from synergies to gaps and contradictions
M Menton, C Larrea, S Latorre, J Martinez-Alier, M Peck, L Temper, ...
Sustainability science 15, 1621-1636, 2020
The commodification of nature and socio-environmental resistance in Ecuador: An inventory of accumulation by dispossession cases, 1980–2013
S Latorre, KN Farrell, J Martínez-Alier
Ecological Economics 116, 58-69, 2015
Territorialities of Power in the Ecuadorian Coast: The Politics of an Environmentally Dispossessed Group
S Latorre
El ecologismo popular en el Ecuador: pasado y presente
S Latorre
Revista Escuela Politécnica Nacional Quito-Ecuador, 1-42, 2015
El movimiento ecologista popular anti-minero en el Ecuador
L Latorre Tomás
Quito: CAAP, 2012
Resisting Environmental Dispossession in E cuador: Whom Does the Political Category of ‘Ancestral Peoples of the Mangrove Ecosystem’Include and Aim to Empower?
S Latorre
Journal of Agrarian Change 14 (4), 541-563, 2014
Characteristics and motivations of consumers of direct purchasing channels and the perceived barriers to alternative food purchase: A cross-sectional study in the Ecuadorian Andes
G April-Lalonde, S Latorre, M Paredes, MF Hurtado, F Muñoz, A Deaconu, ...
Sustainability 12 (17), 6923, 2020
Íntag, un territorio en disputa: evaluación de escenarios territoriales extractivos y no extractivos
S Latorre, M Walter, CA Larrea Maldonado
Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador; ICTA; Universidad …, 2015
The challenges of a sustainable cocoa value chain: A study of traditional and “fine or flavour” cocoa produced by the kichwas in the ecuadorian Amazon region
OV Salazar, S Latorre, MZ Godoy, MA Quelal-Vásconez
Journal of Rural Studies 98, 92-100, 2023
Gobernar para extraer, dinámica del conflicto en el gobierno de Rafael Correa
S Latorre, S Herrera
A quién le importa los Guayacanoes? Acumulación, Gobierno y conflictos en el …, 2013
The disruption of ancestral peoples in Ecuador’s mangrove ecosystem: Class and ethnic differentiation within a changing political context
S Latorre, KN Farrell
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 9 (3), 293-317, 2014
The politics of identification in a shrimp conflict in Ecuador: The political subject,“Pueblos ancestrales del ecosistema manglar”[ancestral peoples of the mangrove ecosystem]
S Latorre
The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 18 (1), 67-89, 2013
Environmental justice and the SDGs: from synergies to gaps and contradictions. Sustainability Science, 15 (6), 1621–1636
M Menton, C Larrea, S Latorre, J Martinez-Alier, M Peck, L Temper, ...
Policy-making related actors' understandings about nature-society relationship: Beyond modern ontologies? The case of Cuenca, Ecuador
S Latorre, A Malo-Larrea
Ecological economics 156, 387-396, 2019
Capitalismo estatal o convergencias populares
SL Tomás, A Santillana
Iconos: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 13-18, 2009
Environmental justice and the SDGs: from synergies to gaps and contradictions. Sustain Sci 15: 1621–1636
M Menton, C Larrea, S Latorre, J Martinez-Alier, M Peck, L Temper, ...
Environmental justice and the SDGs: From synergies to gaps and contradictions. Sustainability Science 15: 1621–1636
M Menton, C Larrea, S Latorre, J Martinez-Alier, M Peck, L Temper, ...
Ecuadorian peasantries amidst the agri-food globalization: Social differentiation and diverse livelihoods strategies in a cut flower exporting territory
S Latorre, P Hollenstein, M González-Rodríguez, S Schmitz
Journal of Rural Studies 93, 28-42, 2022
Valoración social de funciones ecosistémicas de las quebradas en Quito, Ecuador
M Roldán, S Latorre
Revibec: revista de la Red Iberoamericana de Economia Ecológica 34, 0065-85, 2021
Visibilidades e invisibilidades del extractivismo en Ecuador: insumos para el debate
S Latorre, S Latorre
Exctractivismo al debate. Aportes para los Gobiernos Autonomos …, 2015
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Artículos 1–20