Alejo José G. Sison
Cited by
Cited by
The nature of the firm, agency theory and shareholder theory: A critique from philosophical anthropology
J Fontrodona, AJG Sison
Journal of business ethics 66, 33-42, 2006
The common good of the firm in the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition
AJG Sison, J Fontrodona
Business ethics quarterly 22 (2), 211-246, 2012
A quantitative analysis of authors, schools and themes in virtue ethics articles in business ethics and management journals (1980–2011)
I Ferrero, AJG Sison
Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (4), 375-400, 2014
Corporate governance and ethics: An Aristotelian perspective
AG Sison
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010
The moral capital of leaders: Why virtue matters
AG Sison
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003
From CSR to corporate citizenship: Anglo-American and continental European perspectives
AJG Sison
Journal of business ethics 89, 235-246, 2009
How different is neo‐a Ristotelian virtue from positive organizational virtuousness?
AJG Sison, I Ferrero
Business Ethics: A European Review 24, S78-S98, 2015
Participating in the common good of the firm
AJG Sison, J Fontrodona
Journal of Business Ethics 113, 611-625, 2013
ChatGPT: More than a “weapon of mass deception” ethical challenges and responses from the human-centered artificial intelligence (HCAI) perspective
AJG Sison, MT Daza, R Gozalo-Brizuela, EC Garrido-Merchán
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 40 (17), 4853-4872, 2024
Human dignity and the dignity of work: Insights from Catholic social teaching
AJG Sison, I Ferrero, G Guitián
Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (4), 503-528, 2016
Handbook of virtue ethics in business and management
AJG Sison, GR Beabout, I Ferrero
Springer, 2017
Guest editors’ introduction reviving tradition: Virtue and the common good in business and management
AJG Sison, EM Hartman, J Fontrodona
Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (2), 207-210, 2012
Commons organizing: Embedding common good and institutions for collective action. Insights from ethics and economics
L Albareda, AJG Sison
Journal of Business Ethics 166 (4), 727-743, 2020
Toward a common good theory of the firm: The Tasubinsa case
AJG Sison
Journal of Business Ethics 74, 471-480, 2007
Happiness and virtue ethics in business
AG Sison
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Transparency in Business: The Perspective of Catholic Social Teaching and the “Caritas in Veritate
A Vaccaro, AJG Sison
Journal of business ethics 100, 17-27, 2011
Aristotelian citizenship and corporate citizenship: Who is a citizen of the corporate polis?
AJG Sison
Journal of Business Ethics 100, 3-9, 2011
The Common Good of Business: Addressing a Challenge Posed by «Caritas in Veritate»
AJG Sison, J Fontrodona
Journal of Business Ethics 100, 99-107, 2011
Editorial introduction: Putting virtues into practice. A challenge for business and organizations
J Fontrodona, AJG Sison, B de Bruin
Journal of Business Ethics 113, 563-565, 2013
Business ethics: A virtue ethics and common good approach
AJG Sison, I Ferrero, G Guitián
Routledge, 2018
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Articles 1–20