Alberto F. Martín
Alberto F. Martín
Senior Lecturer at The Australian National University (ANU)
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The aggregated unfitted finite element method for elliptic problems
S Badia, F Verdugo, AF Martín
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 336, 533-553, 2018
Multilevel Balancing Domain Decomposition at Extreme Scales
S Badia, AF Martín, J Principe
SIAM Journal On Scientific Computing 38 (1), C22–C52, 2016
A Highly Scalable Parallel Implementation of Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints
S Badia, AF Martín, J Príncipe
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (2), C190–C218, 2014
A scalable parallel finite element framework for growing geometries. Application to metal additive manufacturing
E Neiva, S Badia, AF Martín, M Chiumenti
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 119 (11), 1098-1125, 2019
Exploiting thread-level parallelism in the iterative solution of sparse linear systems
JI Aliaga, M Bollhöfer, AF Martín, ES Quintana-Ortí
Parallel Computing 37 (3), 183-202, 2011
Block recursive LU preconditioners for the thermally coupled incompressible inductionless MHD problem
S Badia, AF Martín, R Planas Badenas
Journal of Computational Physics 275, 562–591, 2014
FEMPAR: An object-oriented parallel finite element framework
S Badia, AF Martín, J Principe
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 25 (2), 195-271, 2017
Implementation and Scalability Analysis of Balancing Domain Decomposition Methods
S Badia, AF Martín, J Principe
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 20 (3), 239-262, 2013
Numerical modelling of heat transfer and experimental validation in Powder-Bed Fusion with the Virtual Domain Approximation
E Neiva, M Chiumenti, M Cervera, E Salsi, S Badia, AF Martín, C Zhuoer, ...
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 168, 2020
Mixed aggregated finite element methods for the unfitted discretization of the Stokes problem
S Badia, AF Martín, F Verdugo
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (6), B1541-B1576, 2018
Distributed-memory parallelization of the aggregated unfitted finite element method
F Verdugo, AF Martín, S Badia
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 357, 112583, 2019
Parallelization of multilevel ILU preconditioners on distributed-memory multiprocessors
JI Aliaga, M Bollhöfer, AF Martín, ES Quintana-Ortí
Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing: 10th International Conference …, 2012
M Bollhöfer, JI Aliaga, AF Martín, ES Quintana-Ortí
Encyclopedia of parallel computing, 917-926, 2011
Simulation of high temperature superconductors and experimental validation
M Olm, S Badia, AF Martín
Computer Physics Communications 237, 154-167, 2019
On the scalability of inexact balancing domain decomposition by constraints with overlapped coarse/fine corrections
S Badia, AF Martín, J Principe
Parallel Computing 50, 1-24, 2015
Finite element interpolated neural networks for solving forward and inverse problems
S Badia, W Li, AF Martín
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 418, 116505, 2024
The aggregated unfitted finite element method on parallel tree-based meshes
S Badia, AF Martín, E Neiva, F Verdugo
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (3), C203–C234, 2021
On a general implementation of h- and p-adaptive curl-conforming finite elements
M Olm, S Badia, AF Martín
Advances in Engineering Software 132, 74-91, 2019
Enhanced balancing Neumann-Neumann preconditioning in computational fluid and solid mechanics
S Badia, AF Martín, J Principe
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 96 (4), 203–230, 2013
Assessing the impact of the CPU power-saving modes on the task-parallel solution of sparse linear systems
JI Aliaga, M Barreda, MF Dolz, AF Martín, R Mayo, ES Quintana-Ortí
Cluster Computing 17 (4), 1335-1348, 2014
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Articles 1–20