Antonio Gámez-Díaz
Antonio Gámez-Díaz
PhD in Soft. Engineering (Universidad de Sevilla) | now working at VMware
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Cited by
An analysis of RESTful APIs offerings in the industry
A Gamez-Diaz, P Fernandez, A Ruiz-Cortes
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 589-604, 2017
The role of limitations and SLAs in the API industry
A Gamez-Diaz, P Fernandez, A Ruiz-Cortés, PJ Molina, N Kolekar, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software …, 2019
Automating SLA-driven API development with SLA4OAI
A Gamez-Diaz, P Fernandez, A Ruiz-Cortes
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 20-35, 2019
Flipping laboratory sessions in a computer science course: An experience report
J Troya, JA Parejo, S Segura, A Gámez-Díaz, AE Márquez-Chamorro, ...
IEEE Transactions on Education 64 (2), 139-146, 2020
Flipping laboratory sessions: an experience in computer science
JA Parejo, J Troya, S Segura, A del-Río-Ortega, A Gámez-Díaz, ...
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 15 (3), 183-191, 2020
Governify for APIs: SLA-driven ecosystem for API governance
A Gamez-Diaz, P Fernandez, A Ruiz-Cortés
Proceedings of the 2019 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software …, 2019
Invirtiendo las clases de laboratorio en Ingeniería Informática: Un enfoque ágil
J Troya, S Segura, JA Parejo, A del-Río-Ortega, A Gámez-Díaz, ...
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2019
Towards SLA-driven API gateways
A Gámez Díaz, P Fernández Montes, A Ruiz Cortés
XI Jornadas De Ciencia E IngenierÍA De Servicios, 2015
ELeCTRA: induced usage limitations calculation in RESTful APIs
A Gamez-Diaz, P Fernandez, C Pautasso, A Ivanchikj, A Ruiz-Cortes
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 435-438, 2018
Fostering sla-driven api specifications
A Gámez Díaz, P Fernández Montes, A Ruiz Cortés
JCIS 2018: XIV Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (2018),, 2018
SLA-driven governance for RESTful systems
A Gamez-Diaz, P Fernandez, A Ruiz-Cortes
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 352-356, 2017
Pricing4APIs: A rigorous model for RESTful API pricings
R Fresno-Aranda, P Fernandez, A Gamez-Diaz, A Duran, A Ruiz-Cortes
Computer Standards & Interfaces 91, 103878, 2025
Towards SLA modeling for RESTful APIs
A Gámez Díaz, P Fernández Montes, A Ruiz Cortés
JCIS 2017: XIII Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios, 2017
Flipping Laboratory Sessions in a Computer Science Course: An Experience Report
J Troya Castilla, JA Parejo Maestre, S Segura Rueda, A Gámez Díaz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Education, 64 (2), 139-146., 2020
Flipping Laboratory Sessions: An Experience in Computer Science
JA Parejo Maestre, J Troya Castilla, S Segura Rueda, A Río Ortega, ...
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 15 (3), 183-191., 2020
Check for updates SLA-Driven Governance for RESTful Systems
A Gamez-Diaz, P Fernandez, A Ruiz-Cortes
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2017 Workshops: ASOCA, ISyCC, WESOACS, and …, 2018
Gobierno de APIs REST basado en SLAs
A Gámez Díaz
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Articles 1–17