Javier Porobic
Javier Porobic
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Atlantis: A spatially explicit end‐to‐end marine ecosystem model with dynamically integrated physics, ecology and socio‐economic modules
A Audzijonyte, H Pethybridge, J Porobic, R Gorton, I Kaplan, EA Fulton
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (10), 1814-1819, 2019
Sustainability of the Juan Fernández lobster fishery (Chile) and the perils of generic science-based prescriptions
B Ernst, J Chamorro, P Manríquez, JML Orensanz, AM Parma, J Porobic, ...
Global Environmental Change 23 (6), 1381-1392, 2013
Variabilidad ambiental y recursos pesqueros en el Pacífico suroriental: estado de la investigación y desafíos para el manejo pesquero
C Parada, B Yannicelli, S Hormazábal, S Vásquez, J Porobić, B Ernst, ...
Latin american journal of aquatic research 41 (1), 1-28, 2013
Calibrating process-based marine ecosystem models: an example case using Atlantis
HR Pethybridge, M Weijerman, H Perrymann, A Audzijonyte, J Porobic, ...
Ecological Modelling 412, 108822, 2019
Biogeography and Historical Demography of the Juan Fernández Rock Lobster, Jasus frontalis (Milne Edwards, 1837)
J Porobić, CB Canales-Aguirre, B Ernst, R Galleguillos, CE Hernández
Journal of Heredity 104 (2), 223-233, 2013
Expanding the conceptual framework of the spatial population structure and life history of jack mackerel in the eastern South Pacific: an oceanic seamount region as potential …
C Parada, A Gretchina, S Vásquez, A Belmadani, V Combes, B Ernst, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (9), 2398-2414, 2017
The impact of fishing on a highly vulnerable ecosystem, the case of Juan Fernández Ridge ecosystem
J Porobic, EA Fulton, C Parada, S Frusher, B Ernst, P Manríquez
PloS one 14 (2), e0212485, 2019
A review of support tools to assess multi-sector interactions in the emerging offshore Blue Economy
MP Turschwell, MA Hayes, M Lacharite, M Abundo, J Adams, J Blanchard, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 133, 203-214, 2022
Implementing Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management: Lessons from Chile's experience
J Porobic, EA Fulton, S Frusher, C Parada, M Haward, B Ernst, D Stram
Marine Policy 97, 82-90, 2018
Shifting baselines and deciding on the desirable form of multispecies maximum sustainable yield
EA Fulton, K Sainsbury, P Noranarttragoon, D Leadbitter, DJ Staples, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (7), 2138-2154, 2022
Modelación de la conectividad de las subpoblaciones de la langosta de Juan Fernández (Jasus frontalis), a través de un modelo biofísico
J Porobic, C Parada, B Ernst, SE Hormazábal, V Combes
Latin american journal of aquatic research 40 (SPECISSUE), 613-632, 2012
Environmental variability and fisheries in the southeastern Pacific: research status and challenges for fisheries management
C Parada, B Yannicelli, S Hormazábal, S Vásquez, J Porobic, B Ernst, ...
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 41 (1), 1-28, 2013
Modeling the connectivity of Juan Fernández rock lobster (Jasus frontalis), subpopulations through a biophysical model
J Porobić, C Parada, B Ernst, SE Hormazábal, V Combes
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 40 (3), 613-632, 2012
Ecosystem-level Impacts of Oil Spills: A Review of Available Data with Confidence Metrics for Application to Ecosystem Models
R Lovindeer, S Mynott, J Porobic, EA Fulton, SE Hook, H Pethybridge, ...
Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 1-22, 2023
Exploring trade‐offs in mixed fisheries by integrating fleet dynamics into multispecies size‐spectrum models
C Novaglio, JL Blanchard, MJ Plank, EI van Putten, A Audzijonyte, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (3), 715-728, 2022
Atlantis Ecosystem Model Summit 2022: Report from a workshop
HA Perryman, IC Kaplan, JL Blanchard, G Fay, SK Gaichas, VL McGregor, ...
Ecological Modelling 483, 110442, 2023
From data compilation to model validation: comparing three ecosystem models of the Tasman and Golden Bays, New Zealand
VL McGregor, P Horn, A Dutilloy, S Datta, A Rogers, J Porobic, A Dunn, ...
PeerJ 9, e11712, 2021
Under pressure: Fisheries and climate change in a highly vulnerable marine ecosystem
J Porobic, E Fulton, S Frusher, C Parada, B Ernst, P Manríquez
PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization, 2018
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
A Audzijonyte, H Pethybridge, J Porobic, R Gorton, I Kaplan, EA Fulton
A whole-of-system Atlantis model for the Salish Sea: a strategic tool to explore ecosystem-wide effects of accidental oil spills
HR Pethybridge, BA Fulton, R Gorton, J Porobic, HN Morzaria-Luna, ...
Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, 0
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