Ivan Maza
Cited by
Cited by
An unmanned aircraft system for automatic forest fire monitoring and measurement
L Merino, F Caballero, JR Martínez-de-Dios, I Maza, A Ollero
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 65, 533-548, 2012
Experimental results in multi-UAV coordination for disaster management and civil security applications
I Maza, F Caballero, J Capitán, JR Martínez-de-Dios, A Ollero
Journal of intelligent & robotic systems 61, 563-585, 2011
Autonomous transportation and deployment with aerial robots for search and rescue missions
M Bernard, K Kondak, I Maza, A Ollero
Journal of Field Robotics 28 (6), 914-931, 2011
Multiple UAV cooperative searching operation using polygon area decomposition and efficient coverage algorithms
I Maza, A Ollero
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 6, 221-230, 2007
Multi-UAV cooperation and control for load transportation and deployment
I Maza, K Kondak, M Bernard, A Ollero
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 417-449, 2010
A ground control station for a multi-uav surveillance system: design and validation in field experiments
D Perez-Rodriguez, I Maza, F Caballero, D Scarlatti, E Casado, A Ollero
J. Intell. Robot. Syst 69 (1-4), 119-130, 2013
Cooperative large area surveillance with a team of aerial mobile robots for long endurance missions
JJ Acevedo, BC Arrue, I Maza, A Ollero
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 70, 329-345, 2013
Closed-loop behavior of an autonomous helicopter equipped with a robotic arm for aerial manipulation tasks
K Kondak, K Krieger, A Albu-Schaeffer, M Schwarzbach, M Laiacker, ...
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10 (2), 145, 2013
Multiple heterogeneous unmanned aerial vehicles
A Ollero, I Maza
Springer, 2007
Network of unmanned vehicles
EJM Casado, D Scarlatti, D Esteban-Campillo, I Maza, F Caballero
US Patent 8,914,182, 2014
Distributed service-based cooperation in aerial/ground robot teams applied to fire detection and extinguishing missions
A Viguria, I Maza, A Ollero
Advanced Robotics 24 (1-2), 1-23, 2010
A particle filtering method for wireless sensor network localization with an aerial robot beacon
F Caballero, L Merino, I Maza, A Ollero
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 596-601, 2008
A distributed architecture for a robotic platform with aerial sensor transportation and self‐deployment capabilities
I Maza, F Caballero, J Capitan, JR Martinez‐de‐Dios, A Ollero
Journal of Field Robotics 28 (3), 303-328, 2011
A probabilistic framework for entire WSN localization using a mobile robot
F Caballero, L Merino, P Gil, I Maza, A Ollero
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56 (10), 798-806, 2008
Distributed approach for coverage and patrolling missions with a team of heterogeneous aerial robots under communication constraints
JJ Acevedo, BC Arrue, I Maza, A Ollero
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10 (1), 28, 2013
Multi-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) cooperative fault detection employing differential global positioning (DGPS), inertial and vision sensors
G Heredia, F Caballero, I Maza, L Merino, A Viguria, A Ollero
Sensors 9 (9), 7566-7579, 2009
Classification of multi-UAV architectures
I Maza, A Ollero, E Casado, D Scarlatti
Handbook of unmanned aerial vehicles, 953-975, 2015
Coastal areas division and coverage with multiple UAVs for remote sensing
F Balampanis, I Maza, A Ollero
Sensors 17 (4), 808, 2017
Automatic forest fire monitoring and measurement using unmanned aerial vehicles
L Merino, F Caballero, JRM de Dios, I Maza, A Ollero
Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Forest Fire Research, 2010
SET: An algorithm for distributed multirobot task allocation with dynamic negotiation based on task subsets
A Viguria, I Maza, A Ollero
Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2007
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Articles 1–20