Karen Elizabeth Lafferty
Karen Elizabeth Lafferty
San Diego State University
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Citado por
The roles of photography for developing literacy across the disciplines
M Cappello, KE Lafferty
The Reading Teacher 69 (3), 287-295, 2015
The difference explicit preparation makes in cooperating teacher practice
KE Lafferty
Teacher Education Quarterly 45 (3), 73-95, 2018
“What are you reading?”: How school libraries can promote racial diversity in multicultural literature
KE Lafferty
Multicultural Perspectives 16 (4), 203-209, 2014
Challenging teacher bias: Implementing a community learning fair.
KE Lafferty, VO Pang
Issues in Teacher Education 22 (2), 189-203, 2014
Culture Matters in Science Education.
VO Pang, KE Lafferty, JM Pang, J Griswold, R Oser
Science & Children 51 (5), 2014
Practices of cooperating teachers contributing to a high quality field experience
KE Lafferty
San Diego State University, 2015
Patterns of generative discourse in online discussions during the field experience
KE Lafferty, TJ Kopcha
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 24 (1), 63-85, 2016
Evaluating multiple perspectives: Approaching the synthesis task through assessing credibility
KE Lafferty, A Summers, S Tanaka, J Cavanagh
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 59 (5), 587-598, 2016
Issues in Teacher Education
B Benken, M Genzuk, T Nelson, J Stillman, S Russell, AH Jones, ...
A Journal of the California Council on Teacher Education 26 (1), 2017
ED 795A Research Seminar, Section 2
K Lafferty
Education, 2016
LS 300 Intro to Liberal Studies
K Lafferty
Education, 0
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