Melissa Knott
Melissa Knott
PhD Candidate, Western University
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Work capacity assessment and return to work: a scoping review
S Cronin, J Curran, J Iantorno, K Murphy, L Shaw, N Boutcher, M Knott
Work 44 (1), 37-55, 2013
Knowledge brokering with injured workers: Perspectives of injured worker groups and health care professionals
L Shaw, J McDermid, A Kothari, R Lindsay, P Brake, P Page, C Argyle, ...
Work 36 (1), 89-101, 2010
Interrater reliability of Western University’s on-road assessment: Fiabilité interévaluateurs de l’examen pratique de conduite de la Western University
S Classen, S Krasniuk, M Knott, L Alvarez, M Monahan, S Morrow, ...
Canadian journal of occupational therapy 83 (5), 317-325, 2016
Clinical determinants of fitness to drive in persons with multiple sclerosis: systematic review
S Krasniuk, S Classen, SA Morrow, M Tippett, M Knott, A Akinwuntan
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 100 (8), 1534-1555, 2019
Pilot efficacy of a DriveFocus™ intervention on the driving performance of young drivers
L Alvarez, S Classen, S Medhizadah, M Knott, W He
Frontiers in public health 6, 125, 2018
Insufficient sleep and fitness to drive in shift workers: A systematic literature review
M Knott, S Classen, S Krasniuk, M Tippett, L Alvarez
Accident Analysis & Prevention 134, 105234, 2020
Feasibility of DriveFocus™ and driving simulation interventions in young drivers
L Alvarez, S Classen, S Medhizadah, M Knott, K Asantey, W He, A Feher, ...
OTJR: occupation, participation and health 38 (4), 245-253, 2018
Insufficient sleep and fitness to drive in shift workers: a systematic literature review protocol
M Knott, S Classen, S Krasniuk, M Tippett, L Alvarez
Injury prevention 25 (6), 589-594, 2019
Opening doors to information for injured workers through knowledge exchange and research with consumer community groups
L Shaw, M Knott, R Lindsay, P Brake, P Page, C Argyle, J MacDermid, ...
Occupational Therapy Now 11 (4), 23-25, 2009
Results of the 2021 Survey of Remote Life Care Planning Practice: Pandemic Edition
D Barros-Bailey, M., Knott, M., Neulicht, A. T., Mitchell, N., Albee, T ...
Journal of Life Care Planning 21 (1), 5-30, 2023
Back injuries in heavy industries, part B: risk factor exposure assessment
K Teschke, C Trask, J Village, Y Chow, J Cooper, H Davies, P Demers, ...
WorkSafeBC, 2008
Utilizing driving simulators for persons with multiple sclerosis: A scoping review
S Krasniuk, M Knott, R Bagajati, M Azizderouei, R Sultania, L Alvarez
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 85, 103-118, 2022
Driving simulator, virtual reality, and on-road interventions for driving-related anxiety: a systematic review
M Knott, SH Kim, A Vander Veen, E Angeli, E Evans, W Knight, A Ripley, ...
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health 37 (2), 178-205, 2021
Qualitative Research on Cannabis Use Among Youth: A Methodological Review
R Colonna, M Knott, S Kim, R Bagajati
Journal of drug issues 53 (4), 647-669, 2023
Returning to our roots to advance occupational therapy research
T Wolf, M Knott
OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research 43 (1), 3-5, 2023
What’s Next? OTJR in 2022 and Beyond
T Wolf, M Knott, LI Florindez-Cox, S Medhizahdah, A Vatinno, M Tkach, ...
OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health 42 (1), 3-7, 2022
OTJR: 2019 in Review
S Classen, S Krasniuk
OTJR: occupation, participation and health 40 (1), 3-5, 2020
Growth in Focused Topics: Children and Youth
M Knott
OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health 38 (4), 223-224, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Impairs Productivity in Adults With Mood Disorders: A Scoping Review
M Knott, C Derak, L McAughey, R Mehrotra, F Roudbarani
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 71 (4_Supplement_1 …, 2017
Ouvrir la voie à l’information aux victimes d’accidents du travail par le partage des connaissances et des résultats de recherche avec les groupes communautaires
L Shaw, M Knott, R Lindsay, P Brake, P Page, C Argyle, J MacDermid, ...
Actualités ergothérapiques 11 (4), 23-25, 2009
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Artículos 1–20