Teresa Morlà Folch (ORCID: 0000-0001-5242-6052)
Teresa Morlà Folch (ORCID: 0000-0001-5242-6052)
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Citada per
Inclusivity, participation and collaboration: Learning in interactive groups
H Zubiri-Esnaola, A Vidu, O Rios-Gonzalez, T Morla-Folch
Educational Research 62 (2), 162-180, 2020
Communicative methodology: Contributions to social impact assessment in psychological research
G Redondo-Sama, J Díez-Palomar, R Campdepadrós, T Morlà-Folch
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 286, 2020
Learning communities, a dream that over 35 years ago that transforms realities
TM Folch
Social and Education History 4 (2), 137-162, 2015
Transforming rural education in Colombia through family participation: The case of school as a learning community
M Soler, T Morlà-Folch, R García-Carrión, R Valls
JSSE-Journal of Social Science Education 18 (4), 67-80, 2019
Muslim women wearing the niqab in Spain: Dialogues around discrimination, identity and freedom
CG Yeste, OEM Zeguari, P Álvarez, TM Folch
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 75, 95-105, 2020
Nuevas masculinidades alternativas, la lucha con y por el feminismo en el contexto universitario
MJ Foraster, T Morlà
Masculinities & Social Change 8 (1), 44-65, 2019
Dreams of higher education in the mediterrani school through family education
C Garcia Yeste, T Morlà Folch, V Ionescu
Frontiers in Education 3, 79, 2018
Habilidades didácticas de los profesores y creatividad en la educación superior. Experiencia en una universidad mexicana
T Morlà Folch, D Eudave Muñoz, I Brunet Icart
Perfiles educativos 40 (162), 100-116, 2018
A research synthesis of the impacts of successful educational actions on student outcomes
T Morlà-Folch, AIR Davids, MP Cuxart, R Valls-Carol
Educational Research Review 37, 100482, 2022
Improving students’ academic performance and reducing conflicts through family involvement in primary school learning activities: A Mexican case study
A Rodriguez-Oramas, T Morla-Folch, M Vieites Casado, L Ruiz-Eugenio
Cambridge Journal of Education 52 (2), 235-254, 2022
The role of the democratic organization in the La borda housing cooperative in Spain
S Girbés-Peco, MJ Foraster, LC Mara, T Morlà-Folch
Habitat International 102, 102208, 2020
WIEGO: Communicative daily life stories to assess social impact in the lives of informal workers
I Tellado, B Lepori, T Morla-Folch
Qualitative Inquiry 26 (8-9), 962-969, 2020
Promoting Creativity in the Cooperative Work Environment: A Case Study of the Lacol Cooperative.
T Morlà-Folch, M Joanpere-Foraster, E Papaoikonomou
Qualitative Report 24 (11), 2019
The Mondragon case: Companies addressing social impact and dialogic methodologies
T Morla-Folch, A Aubert Simon, AB de Freitas, AB Hernández-Lara
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 20, 16094069211058614, 2021
Create solidarity networks: Dialogs in Reddit to overcome depression and suicidal ideation among males
G Redondo-Sama, T Morlà-Folch, A Burgués, J Amador, S Magaraggia
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (22), 11927, 2021
Impact of the extension of learning time on the learning space of the platform for people affected by mortgages Tarragona
T Morlà-Folch, OR González, LC Mara, CG Yeste
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 24, 100369, 2020
Exploring the creative process in architecture students and professionals
TM Folch, RC Pereira, IB Icart
Thinking Skills and Creativity 34, 100608, 2019
What can we learn from the street-level bureaucracy approach regarding gender-based violence support services during the COVID-19 lockdown crisis?
J Andraszak, A Alarcón, T Morlà Folch
Violence and gender 10 (1), 1-14, 2023
Aspectos espaciales de la creatividad y la innovación
T Morlà Folch, I Brunet Icart
Economía, sociedad y territorio 19 (60), 1-24, 2019
Liderazgo creador de nuevas realidades. Respuestas cooperativas a los desafíos de la vivienda
M Joanpere-Foraster, T Morla-Folch
Revista Internacional de Organizaciones= International Journal of …, 2018
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20